Renoise 3 speculation thread

Because 16 pages and 41,216 views later this thread is serious?

For the record I’m waiting for 2.9 too. Contrary to popular opinion I’m not on the team anymore.

I know, you kicked yourself out again… family life calls, your destiny is blessed by us…

Re-check and Re-wait.

Okay. Only one answer to this simple question for the dev-team:

Will there be an update this year?

I hope you can answer that. :walkman:/>

I can’t even read if this is a joke or meaningful?

They probably can, and they probably won’t

looking here for weeks just for the info when the new updated/version finally comes out. I so much want to finally buy it and join the club (my first expirience with trackers was on amiga I got my tracker tunes relased on a european sampler vinyl in 94 :slight_smile: ) It seems that the new version will come when looking and comparing at all the previeos release dates and I don’t want to buy maybe a day before the next update. Would be really helfpul to know atleast if it will come out this year.
Best tracker so far. Mega respects

dood. it’s 50 bux. just kick in and buy it. you’ll be good till 3.9 which will be about 5 years away.

I agree, just buy it. When I bought it at 2.7 I think they had a month before the release something saying like, “ok if you buy now we’ll act as if you actually bought 2.7” or sth anyway!

Official notice and ultimatum: we won’t release a new version until mystical&magical will buy its registered copy :ph34r:/> .

This does not mean that we will release a new version right after he has bought his copy.

Wow I really love this topic and especially how it’s so useful. If there was a simple mailing list to get notified when beta testing starts I would just never visit this forum again.

Oh and I also love how all the best comments get the most +1’s, definitely

the terrible thing is.


Hint: some of the team members do not write very often on the board, but still their posts count increase… Some kind of secret conspiracy must be in act… :rolleyes:

So you’re saying, there IS a forum behind the forum, a whole world of development behind those curtains.
That’s it, I’m going Alex Jones on this one and start to check every admin or mods postcount daily.

Alright, alright… i’ll release 3.0 as soon as everyone calms down.

not that I want to convince you to not visit this forum again, anyway in the backstage there is a “My account” section where you can specifiy if you want to receive Renoise newsletter. My memory doesn’t help me in telling if the newsletter always warns about beta testing anyway, by checking my inbox, I have found two newsletter mails which talk about new beta versions of Renoise 2.8, so in the end I assume that subscribing may help you into avoiding such stress

You know, the devs could have just said openly that there is a massive rewrite going on. It’s quite clear from the year-long silence, seen this happen with many different softwares before.

believe me, being italian, I know how it feels to be on the public side of the office door, and trying to understand what is going on at the other side, when all you see is a couple of officers who have been instructed not to tell anything about it, and I would hate being part of the public as much as I hate being the officer.

I personally don’t like the choice made by Renoise developers (I am just an alpha tester and a forum moderator) to not keep people updated about what is going on, and I’m not talking in specific about the current situation but more in general about what has been the habit with every new version, but of course have to accept it and keep my mouth shut.

I also reckon I could be a bit more respectful towards the public when I write about this topic. The problem is that I would like to keep you informed but I can’t, and then sometimes I just can’t resist to be a kind of jerk and write some humour line here and there, while at the same time trying to ensure you that something is going on, and there will be updates in the future.

Goddamnit, I only just got your name. ItAlien. IT… Italy!!.. shit :rolleyes:/>

taktik has shed some light now about the next Renoise release in this thread, so you can now relax and use Renoise 2.8 :)