Renoise As Vsti Or/and Rewire :)

Yes but rewire master wont allow you to do that SNS
Only rewire slave allows you to do that

That is why the VST is the better of the two solutions, It doesn’t take a whole rewrite of Renoise to make it into a plugin but Taktik has already said that it is close to that to achieve full rewire IE slave mode

VST capability isn’t even a tenth of that work and yeilds much more creative results

I guess no one here sees the saleablity of a quality VSTi tracker which is a shame and pleeeeeease don’t try and point me at ReViSiT cause it is buggy as hell and doesn’t even compare to Renoise OK


would there be a chance there could be a option to choose if you wanted to use rewire slave or rewire master??

Perhaps audio by using the Line-in device?
The mixer may be premature, but it is not impossible to route audio into Renoise tracks and if you would rather mix them in Reaper, then use the ReaRoute Asio driver instead, though combining ReWire and ReaRoute would probably not be posibble.

edit:Renoise as VSTI would for sure bring more customers but not all things that you currently can do can be adopted in the VSTI edition and you might be wanting to control a whole lot of features from the other host which means a lot of work to add all that as parameters.

Anything that would allow me to properly sync Renoise to Logic in ANY way would be welcome.

Any sequencing program worth its salt on Windows or Mac needs ReWire, period. It’s a popular protocol that actually works. I can’t understand developers who simply refuse to implement it. It’s not that it’s costing them any money for the license or anything. I myself would use Renoise a lot more if I could simply Rewire it into Sonar and still tweak beats, since I love to record vocals and bass guitar and like the tools Sonar offers to handle that.

For me, being able to work with a tracker slaved to Cubase would be perfect.
I started with trackers back on the C64 and used them extensively throughout my career until I really hit a limitation with them … namely when I started to try to integrate with other musicians/studios and also when I needed to get complex arrangements (for orchestral scores) done very quickly.

But trackers still do get things done quickly for me when it comes to intricate beats and things that a tracker is really adept at doing. To be able to bring Renoise into the SX environment would be ideal - it would also bring Renoise, and tracking in general, to a much wider audience.

I have tried ReViSiT before but found it’s stability to be poor - I must try the latest version of that. But it seems clear to me that Renoise is a highly evolved tracker, I would much prefer to work with it.

A. Hellbump’d.
B. Why not try double-function, like Ableton Live, FL Studio, and Max/MSP do? After all, I probably will register Renoise and possibly get Reason sometime in the future.

rewire rules - it was invented basically for reason users to be able to access audio tracks and vsts/is by integrating renoise with a more fully featured sequencer like cubase - however it is not limited to reason/rebirth - i only use it in cubase and ableton so i can quickly warp breaks and loops to fit my project - or use cubase eqs and effects on my ableton tracks…

syncing renoise with cuabse seems to be a it buggy still and for someone using lots of live instruments/audiotracks it would be a god send in any software - using renoise as a vst would also do the job - but as was mentioned earlier it would need to be a full version of renoise with multiple outs etc to be used as anything other than a sampler/drum machine with a giant midi sequencer…

either option would be a bonus though - and make music making a lot more streamlined for anyone using more than one daw.

reVisit sucks btw

Hmm, could someone please re-explain what was the problem being in implementing ReWire with the play/stop working from only one host?

I think this could be well overcome via midi. Most sequencers allow Play/Stop/other transport controls via midi (a definable CC). So if Renoise was being the slave, it would just need to send CC on every play & stop to the sequencer if play or stop were pressed. The SPP’s could be overcome also using midi by allowing renoise to be the rewire master and to allow renoise to react to midi clock and SPP when external midi device sends them.

Yean true. (it is too buggy to have much fun when making music)

well… I’m definitely for adding ReWire support.

If rewire was added, renoise development could focus on refining the basic features even more instead of adding stuff like arranger and piano roll. Having those in renoise just seems like it would be cramped…

also, I doubt that the arranger and piano roll would be able to come close to the feature set of an app like logic or cubase… so why not be able to use the strengths that are already there, and expand on tracker features instead.

I would much rather see renoise add more effects commands or more instrument functions than an arranger and what not, but still I would like to be able to have those functions at my disposal… which is where rewire/vsti comes in.

I agree! Me too! Renoise would have a huge extra dimension with ReWire!
Not just for collaborating, but the world is so big en Renoise is not yet…
a painter uses various brushes and materials, too…

Personally I have. Back in the early days of Rebirth, and gotta say, it was alot of fun. (I’ve got to admit that the song never got finished due to CPU power - but the atmosphere was… erm… filled with creativity and potential)

Now coming to think of it it is not all that bad if Renoise were only the Re-wire master. (To make it work 2 way) Perhaps it could receive the play / stop messages from the other sequencer also alongside with the SPP data (before playback) and would then sync the slave to Renoise that sent Renoise the play and SPP messages. Um. sorry if that was a messy explanation. I was just wondering if this would work. If so, then those, who need a 2 way sync could have it, only they’d need to configure their software (Cubase etc.) to send the messages. But I think that is not much of a hassle. Most of us have done that already with syncing 2 sequencers so there’d be no need to change the setup ;):wink:

This is a good point. I actually tried MT, but it was so buggy that it could really not be used when making music. It used to make either Cubase or MT crash all the time. This was the main reason I decided to not to even try to learn the software. (also it is so different to FT that I think that might be another reason why people don’t use it even if it has Rewire. The sample editing features just aren’t there, so that alonside with the constant crashing might be a reason.)

i for one, still think Open Sound Control is Better, Stronger & FASTER!!! (3exclaimtionmarksforemphasis)
steinberg will go the way of the Dodo slow but sure, with it’s: proprietarilythickbullheadedsenselessnessnononsensepyramidscheme!

everyone! say it with me:

“i don’t need 10 different softwares to do one thing_make_music_”

I believe that a rewire option would increase the number of Renoise’s users as it would give the chance to most Logic or Cubase users to com closer into the concept. But is not all, I keep dreaming of having the chance to join Logic’s and Renoise’s work together because I feel I could take the most out of both this way, I have some firends who’ve been standying for some TRACKING ONLY kind of producing but even them are now starting to see the benefits you can have with Logic or Cubase.
I would be already very happy if it was possible to output Renoise direclty in logic but the best I can is do some work on renoise and import it back in but this kind of cuts the fun of it.

One last thing:

Now I don’t wanna start a riot but I think that closing your mind to other producing softwares is stupid and incredibly blind. I believe that the future is the collaboration bewteen renoise and other interfaces and this pro Tracking Only menthality is not bringing us anywhere but just voids the possibility to start collaborations between many producers

I used Madtracker for years and synced it to cubase for some time as well, but now I switched to the mac and I would LOVE to sync a tracker to logic. Since Renoise is about the only serious tracker on the mac market it’s a shame that it isn’t supporting rewire yet…

Renoise as a master wouldn’t be my preferred way though, just slaving it to logic would really open up new creative flows! And a VST version for us logic users would be pretty useless as well, since logic only opens Audio Units. Well there are these wrappers but it’s such an hassle when you can have rewire instead!

So rewire +1!!

Renoise as ReWire master would be much more useful than having it as a slave, so it’s great to know that it’s 100 times easier to implement the master version! :D

Besides Reason and Live, I think FL Studio, Reaper and Acid Pro are the hottest ReWire clients for a Renoise user to consider.

The following companies are currently shipping ReWire enabled applications:

Ableton Live
Live Lite
Adobe Audition
Apple (Emagic) Logic and Logic Express
Logic Audio, versions 4.7.3 - 5
Logic Audio Platinum 6.1 with Digidesign Protools TDM and ESB
Logic Audio Platinum 5.0 with Digidesign Protools TDM and ESB
Arkaos ArKaos VJ
Arturia Storm
Cakewalk Sonar / Sonar Studio
Project 5
Celemony Melodyne
Cockos Reaper
Companion E&D Intuem RW
Cycling '74 MAX/MSP
Digidesign Pro Tools 6.1 (or later)
Imageline FL Studio
Line 6 GuitarPort RiffTracker
M-Audio Torq
Magix Samplitude
Mark Of The Unicorn Digital Performer 4 (or later)
Digital Performer 2.7 and 3.x
Opcode Systems Inc. Vision DSP
Studio Vision
Plogue Art et Technologie Bidule
Propellerhead Software Reason
Reason Adapted (All versions)
ReBirth RB-338
Mackie Tracktion
M-Audio Torq
Refuse Software
Sonoma Wire Works RiffWorks Standard
RiffWorks Line 6 Edition
Sony ACID Pro 5.0 (or later)
ACID 4.0
Speedsoft Audio Tools VSampler 3
Steinberg Cubase 4 / Cubase Studio 4 / Cubase LE 4
Cubase SE/SL/SX
Groove Agent ReWire 2
Nuendo 1.5 (or later)
Halion 3
Synapse Audio Software Orion
Tascam GigaStudio 3
Toontrack Music dfh SUPERIOR
EZ Drummer
Waves Tune
Yamaha Vocaloid

Sure it works. For example, when I rewire Sonar (host) to Reason (slave), I have to save two files on each platform (doesn’t take much time), but as they sync perfectly it opens up a lot of possibilities for advanced mixing etc. I can build very complex instruments in Reason and it is still my favorite software besides Renoise. Guess I’m used to having ReWire around, but in regard to Renoise I don’t consider ReWire to be that important anymore – at least not compared to having instruments that trigger “clips”. ANY feature in Renoise that actually aims at improving the workflow INSIDE the tracker itself is worth gold.