Renoise Based Audio-video Step Sequencer

So you use coll cues to set a list of associations between notes and frames…


my version simply had a slider which min and max was set according to the frames in the video and you were able to visually set the frame in real time.

I wonder which method is the best, mine is more visual and tweakable in real time while yours is smaller, more compact, probably faster and maybe more reliable.

What do you think?

Also, considering how max/msp handles real time video triggering, I think it’s better to use resolume (and its custom codec) and map it directly to the software… or have max/msp between your daw, controllers, sensors and resolume.

oh your method is probably best for VJ’s/fun , i just happen to implement this into my video scoring setup first. It can get kinda tricky to setup, but I really like using a slider to show the current position, and then an Rslider to select the min/max on top of it.

I’m exporting some video right now using the DXV codec so i’ll let you know how that works.

I think both QT and Max are to blame for the slow triggering. For instance: the object has the “autostart” feature ON for default. Resolume has a great section on Preparing Media , which will definitely help processing in max. Even just changing the dimensions of the helps a lot (ex: dim 320 240). btw, i can tell from looking at your patch that you’re a max-master, so that’s awesome!

Actually… this is among my first patchers, I learned fast, that’s all. :)

Oh also, there’s a trick in that partch that I got from little-scale ( He’s very good with max/msp.

i’m an idiot… they have a tutorial on making a video player HERE

Yes but this tutorial is far from being complete. There are ways to optimize playback for more real time performances.

I found this:

“yes, this is comic sans”

i lold, then! :>>>

oh, that is awesome… thank you sir, i’ll check it out when i wake up.
I did find a patch on their forums that seems like it will be great for VJ’ing and what not : FORUM link (the patch is at the bottom)

It will preload multiple vids and play them at any given moment without a problem.
I’ve been grabbing ideas from this one and that other tutorial and it seems to be kicking some ass.

Basically it all comes down to processing on the GPU, not the CPU… i think haha. I really wish I started learning this shit like 10 years ago. I visit some of those demoscene sites and can’t get over how incredible they are. (example: )

You think they use Max MSP for those?

I mean it could be done in it but there are other softwares/coding languages.

HA, noooo, i know that’s all coded, but i’m pretty sure that it all breaks down to the same shit…possibly openGL, C++, and C. Those 3 books are staring at me right now, and i’m sure they will be for a long time :) (that means- I read them but I don’t quite understand it all yet).

Max is a nice shortcut from idea -->to a decent program with a GUI. It’s insane to try and weed through all the shit programs and languages that have been accumulating. Like have you ever seen Xcode for OS-X… wtf were they thinking… Ok, from here, we’re goin straight to conspiracy theories… keep people stupid and confused and they aren’t a threat, bla bla bla.

ok i’m going to check out that link now, thanks again for that :)

Just wanted to note that I updated the patch above to run in OpenGL (on the GPU) and it’s definitely much faster now. If there is any interest in developing this stuff, feel free to send me a message.