Renoise Longtrack Project

Got any updates on this?
It’s getting close to a year now since the project started… :huh:

I´m fixing it myself already, don´t worry.
Maybe I´ve overreacted a little and confused you ppl (and myslef too) with some messages which came in cooperation with lack of time, bad mood blaaaaa… erm… heh well… never mind <_<

To get finally to the point: There´s again a descent amount of effect values which is missing in Giles part, also including his new added tracks. Now the module is not yet affected but if the one who continues with the next and doesn´t take care about the last data too then it could propably turn out that Giles part is right for the garbage.

Quiz-question: Haven´t you noticed that one? It´s actually not hard to see it coz you don´t see the values :blink:

Actually not that big the issue… well that leads me to the phrase: Who sows wind will harvest storm… or short: you may flame me now :panic:

Mail still doesn´t work for me.

ah, ok :)

Sure. I´m polishing the complete file at the moment. Means I put in the values for all 54 tracks

well… it hurts to do that but I think multiple resets in a longer song cant be wrong. :)

I’d prefer not to really because I’m still finding my way around the new interface. :)

Bad, there are horrible effect faults noticeable very often. For instance It-Aliens intro sounds totally overreverbed. Must have something to do with the comunication between senddevices and dedicated sendtracks I guess. Maybe we should offer the module to the developers?

btw. i didn´t made a test with A4 yet. Will do it right away.

Ok, give me some seconds to free some space. I´ll notify the devs then.

btw. I cannot even start the module in with alpha4 here. Renoise freezes completely while loading the pattern data… and yes I know there´s much to load but actually it should be ready in at least an hour :( :blink:

Call me stupid. Actually I should better give them the adress to the exchange ftp :) … when giles don´t mind of course

btw. hadn´t found much time last days to work on the fix but I managed to do almost everything today. Still have to add some stuff though.

there is a problem with send devices and 1.281 songs in 1,5 indeed. I’ve already sent my initial LongTrack part to developers about 2 weeks ago to test it out.

I have over-reverbs on first part too with 1.5

The fix is there. All participants please check your emails!

Time to bump something up.

Part 17 done by Mekkah is there! Look here

thread rescue attempt

Ahoy guys :)
How is the long track project going?
How long is the track, actually?
Seems like you encountered some tech problems…
Is it too late to add something to it? (or try to) :P

bump + beware :)

Omg oMg omG! It´s there!


Call the radio stations… no… call the tv stations, call the music magazines, CALL EVERYBODY! :dribble:
The first Renoise Longtrack is now released!
Take a look on the website ( or get the full 70:37 min OGG directly from here! :)

Already!?! :P :P

It was a long time ago I listened through the longtrack song. Think it was something like 30 minutes or so then. I must say it’s really great songs there, I was amazed over that all entries are very good throughout the whole piece. Nice work everyone!!

Especially dig iLL79’s minimalistic house :)

Hmm… maybe I should be in on the second round :unsure: