Renoise Redux Released

The new modulations in the sample modulation sets are beyond neat

Yo dawg… Now you can use a tracker in the plugin while you use a tracker in the instrument while you use the tracker in thepattern editor :badteeth:

Seriously, it’s good fun. The ability to automate the harmonic scale via MIDI-CC#14/15 alone makes this an interesting proposition.

Haha! Read the first line and was “Ahaha danoise is funny”… then read the second line and was "OH WAIT… :blink: "

so good. bought!

Does Redux support theming and Renoise extensions?

It is all coming to R3.1, the only question is when. BTW the vowel filter seems to only be available in the modulations section, not as a DSP effect. Unless I missed something?

Vowel filter is included in Chorus & Flanger too. (I also notice just now) :slight_smile:

Wooow, hello Delay Lama!!

Does Redux support theming and Renoise extensions?

themes yes, tools no.

  1. I cannot seem to figure out how to record a phrase. The edit cursor is always detached from the play position and I do not see the button that usually changes that.

Can anyone give me the hint I need, I feel a bit stupid not being able to figure that out on my own, having used Renoise for several years…

The edit cursor is always detached from the play position and I do not see the button that usually changes that.

Since there may be one or more phrases playing at any given time, it’s not possible for us to reliably scroll the phrase editor to match the play position (as we do with the pattern editor in Renoise, for example).

It was therefore decided that the edit cursor would always be detached from the play position.

There is no live recording mode. You must program phrases via the computer keyboard, step by step.


Looks great sounds great, was worth the wait, thanks for the discount. I barely scratched the surface. This weekend will be all Redux!!!

Since there may be one or more phrases playing at any given time, it’s not possible for us to reliably scroll the phrase editor to match the play position (as we do with the pattern editor in Renoise, for example).

It was therefore decided that the edit cursor would always be detached from the play position.

There is no live recording mode. You must program phrases via the computer keyboard, step by step.

Ah, okay. Thanks for the answer. I actually think deciding to focus on this tracker-style workflow only in Redux is the better approach, compared to Renoise, where live recording seems generally possible at first sight, but is actually not in many cases.

How ironic, the few days I didn’t check out to see if Redux is released it happens (of course). :slight_smile:

Seems like there was no announcement delivered to the e-mail?

Anyway, finally it’s released - a BIG thanks from me (who bought it immediately)!

Congratulations on a great release. Instant buy and very pleased with it.

It seems great, but I’m having one problem:

I’m trying to use Redux as an effect for offboard instruments, not a sampler or synthesizer, which it seems unwilling to do - while I seemingly can route audio to it with Reaper, and get Renoise to process it using the Line Input device, it is pass-through: in other words, it’s not muting whatever audio input is being sent through it.

I’m possibly doing something wrong, but have no clue what exactly that would be. Any hints?

Well, seems to me that redux can do many things that Kontakt can not. Kontakt is amazing but coming from a tracker background i must say that redux is the new king

Congratulations on getting this VST out Renoise Team. I’ve purchased it, and am waiting for it to download (will take a while, my internet is shocking at the moment), but i very much look forward to digging into this tomorrow with Bitwig. Grats again.

I seemingly can route audio to it with Reaper, and get Renoise to process it using the Line Input device, it is pass-through: in other words, it’s not muting whatever audio input is being sent through it.

I think it’s simply a matter of taking care how you set everything up, both within Reaper, and within Redux’s DSP chain, taking into account the specific task you have in mind.

In Redux, some of the DSP devices have both wet and dry levels, which will definitely alter the end results you hear. On the multi-tap delay, for example, there’s a specific option to mute the dry input and only hear the echoes. On the reverb, you can lower the dry level to 0% so you just hear the reverb. And so on. If you just wanted to use Redux as an echo/reverb unit, then you may want to explore those dry input settings.

In Reaper you also have various options for how the post-send signal is treated after being sent to Redux, whether is should be muted, panned, or whatever.

Just depends on what you’re working with.

Perhaps if you can describe what you want to do in more detail, some of us can give you more tips.

I think it’s simply a matter of taking care how you set everything up, both within Reaper, and within Redux’s DSP chain, taking into account the specific task you have in mind.

In Redux, some of the DSP devices have both wet and dry levels, which will definitely alter the end results you hear. On the multi-tap delay, for example, there’s a specific option to mute the dry input and only hear the echoes. On the reverb, you can lower the dry level to 0% so you just hear the reverb. And so on. If you just wanted to use Redux as an echo/reverb unit, then you may want to explore those dry input settings.

I figured out how to do this in Reaper+Redux - since Redux supports 24 output channel, If I simply route the output of my FX chain to outputs 3/4 instead of 1/2, and route the FX chain’s two first track to a muted track, it works as I expect - while it was a bit counterintuitive, it’s entirely workable.

(Specifically, what I’m trying to do is to use Redux for multitap delay and as a cab sim for guitars and external synths - in the past I’d done this by running Renoise and Reaper in parallel, with some unconventional routing means, since ReWire didn’t prove suitable for this use)

Okay, just to confirm rumors I’ve heard…

Does redux / renoise 3.1 support anti-aliasing algorithms?

bites fingernails

really liking the new filters! ringmod and combs are cool… is the vocal filter achebyshev filter with the ripple setting tuned up?