Renoise Won't Render First Line - Arturia Analog Lab

Using latest version of both Renoise and Arturia Analog Lab V (VST3) on Windows 10.

Open a song and immediately render then Analog Lab V more likely than not won’t be rendered if its note is placed on the 1st line of the first pattern specifically. If the note is placed on the 2nd line or later it works.

So it’s easily reproduceable; make a new song and place a note with Analog Lab on 1st line, save the song and close Renoise, then open the song and render without pressing play first as it mostly render when played first but not always. If it does render then close Renoise and retry.

Come to think of it I got Arturia FX collection 5 a month ago and updated all my Arturia plugins, this bug may have begun back then.

I had similar problem with Arturia CZ V. I find such a workaround: when rendering I use WASAPI drivers instead of ASIO. This works for me.

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Thanks! That workaround also appear to work for Analog Lab :+1:

So this is an ASIO render issue of some sort.

Cumbersome having to switch device types, this should just work.

I just tested CZ V in Renoise 3.2.2 with VST and it also has the bug back then.

I will report this to Arturia because I definitely have been able to render properly before.

Just heard back from Arturia support:

“Unfortunately, we do not officially support your DAW (Renoise) which means that we do not test our products on it and I am very sorry for not bringing better news.”

“And only as a side note we usually recommend using ASIO4ALL and I am not sure if you were using this or simply an ASIO driver or another driver maybe for a specific interface.”

I don’t really wanna use some 3rd party ASIO driver but maybe when I get irritated enough I might try ASIO4ALL and see if it works.

No one ASIO driver works for me. WASAPI not bad, you can work with.
Analog Labs not renders if you load patch made with CZ V

I have just test rendered all 30 Arturia plugins included in V Collection 8 five times each and three of their plugins (Analog Lab Pro, CZ V and Stage-73) have this problem where the first line isn’t being rendered like about 50% of the time and it’s happening with both ASIO and WASAPI.

@pigfront Analog Lab fails with all its patches I think as it just happened with Buchla, Pigments and ARP 2600 patches.

Dear @taktik

Arturia responded to my support ticket stating they can’t help as Renoise isn’t supported so if there’s anything you can do that’d be awesome.

Why is this only happening when rendering and not when playing?


Realtime rendering?

Just double-checked and that also doesn’t work.

Sandbox off?
Automatic PDC on?

Ok, then use a little “trick”. Just create an new empty first pattern and insert a note of the Arturia VSTs in the desired tracks at the beginning, followed by a note off. Cut this part afterwards external.

So obviously Arturia creates VSTs only for specific DAWs.

Yes Jek, sandbox is off and PDC is on.

Yeah I know but that’s really very inconvenient you know, to put it mildly :wink:

Right. I just don’t get why this bug still is around, it’s so ancient that every plugin developer in the industry must know of it.

But you’ll have to insert an extra pattern at the beginning anyway because of echoes, clicks and other effects that are fading away, right? And that’s not only because of the volume automation in the master track at the end of a song to avoid a click sound after the rendering process.

Any different if PDC is off?

Nope, no difference.

Hmm maybe I should but I don’t, it’s not been a big deal to me, if echoes happens then I either wait for shit to cool down or render immediately after reopening the song.

I really want to do everything from within Renoise so cutting a pattern from the beginning of a song in a sample editor is not my idea of fun.

Have you tried to “Hardcode the MIDI Channel” in the VST → Settings
change from ‘Any’ to what is selected in the ‘channel’ section of the plugin tab in Renoise?

It doesn’t matter if you just have launched Renoise and loaded the song or if you’ve played the song right before, the rest of effects can always be heard at the beginning of the song, regardless whether it’s an empty pattern or if you start with a full pattern right away. This has always been an issue, so there’s no way to avoid cutting the rendered wav at the beginning externally. At least not for me. This is not a “what you hear” issue, the first pattern is always treated like the last pattern just has been played.

Well, it takes 10 seconds… You’re spending hours or even days for mixing and mastering, so spending 10 seconds to cut a wave properly really doesn’t matter.

Really? I don’t believe it behaves like that on my system.
Shall we make a test-render comparison?

Hehe it certainly take a lot longer than 10 seconds but the real issue is I render out work in progress files like 20 times per song.

You only need to cut a few seconds at the beginning of the wav file. How long can it take? 2 seconds loading Audacity (or similar), 2 seconds to drag and drop the wav into Audacity, 3-4 seconds to mark and cut the selection and another few seconds to export the file as wav. That’s about 10 seconds in total. No big deal. :wink:

If there’s a good example, why not? The issue always occurs when effects (mostly delay) at the end of the song are automated (volume fading out). If that’s the case, there are even audible clicks and echoes appearing right after the song has been loaded, you don’t even need to start playing it. And these clicks and echoes are exactly the clicks and echoes that you can hear at the beginning of the rendered song. If you didn’t cut anything at the end of the song, these clicks and echoes don’t appear, neither in the rendered song nor after loading the song.

But anyway, the most important point at this point is: You can use Arturia VSTs despite the fact that they’re not supposed to work within Renoise. And you can render everything just as desired, all you need are about 10 seconds of extra time.

I’m only asking this because I’ve just loaded two VSTi’s and by default they “Both were set to Channel 1”.

The default setting in the VSTi itself is to listen to all or ‘Any’ MIDI channel.
This default behaviour, probably isn’t an issue, but its not ideal.