OK so please excuse if this type of thread is well trodden but…
WOW… Renoise. Massive MASSIVE huuuge shout to the Renoise Devs and Community!
Big up your chests you fam. This is, without question, the best sequencer on the market.
My music production history started firmly in hardware. First with a bass guitar in a metal band then progressed to a drum machine with a lean towards the industrial, then obviously got the bug and bought some samplers, adats, analogue synths, big old mixing desks, banks of effects etc etc… you get the idea. I was a proper junkie.
Lately I’ve been down-scaling my setup though, felt there was too much bloat. Too many options, none of which were really giving me much inspiration. In this downscaling process I was looking to what options I had in front of me. The last incarnation of my studio was a massive rented space with all my outboard flashing LED’s at me. It was fun, but like I say, not necessarily productive or inspirational/useful. So I sold most of my gear and was left with a desktop PC running Cubase SX, a SH-101, a Sherman & a Yamaha keyboard (basically a weighted keys piano). This still wasnt right.
Then by some accident i found renoise.
Totally changed everything. Brought me RIGHT back to the days of programming my wee drum machine about a decade ago. Love at first sight. My setup now comprises a Laptop, a NI GR Mobile Soundcard & a paid of headphones
So I’ve read most of the manual and am finally comfortable with the GUI. There is NO going back. I wont miss Piano Roll (really, there is NO need for it, please dont include it, surely its just bloat?), I dont think I’ll even miss Audio Channels. This is a totally different way of sequencing, lets not try n shoe-horn the ‘other’ way into this gorgeous interface. I love how the tracker UI makes you think in terms of parts/objects rather than layers as I’m so used to in startard DAW behaviour.
Earlier tonight I laid down a part using ‘Minimonsta’ (a minimoog vst), assigned an LFO to the cufoff, another LFO to the delay, then assigned further automation to those LFO rates to evolve over time… FUCK! i have NO clue how on earth I’d have done that in Cubase. There is apparently no end to the automation chains you can build up. I then got busy dicing up a break I’d assigned as an instrument into little samples. Gloriously simple to spread this over the keyboard. So quick, so easy, so intuitive.
I’m completely in love.
Thankyou Renoise Devs & Community for creating the best music making software on the planet. Full Marks chaps!