Renoise 2.8 has some great visual updates.
I’ve been experimenting with the Repeater Device as a visual aid of sorts,
I don’t know if I’ll actually integrate it in my workflow, but its been fun so far.
What can you do with the Repeater Device visually ?, well, lets see…
you have some blocks and it blinks, that’s enough for me to lay down something significant and sequence it.
Empty Instrument Slot > Velocity Tracker > LFO reset > Repeater Device: Mode
Empty Instrument Slot > Velocity Tracker > LFO reset > Repeater Device: Divisor
So far I’ve been able to have some sort grid based standard rhythmic palette tracker blinking thing,
something along the lines of…
== ===1 ===2 ===4 ===8 ==16 ==32 ==64 =128
01 -128 --64 --32 --16 --08 --04 --02 --01
03 -384 -192 --96 --48 --24 --12 --06 --03
05 -640 -320 -160 --80 --40 --20 --10 --05
07 -896 -448 -224 -112 --56 --28 --14 --07
09 1152 -576 -288 -144 --72 --36 --18 --09
11 1408 -704 -352 -176 --88 --44 --22 --11
13 1664 -832 -416 -208 -104 --52 --26 --13
15 1920 -960 -480 -240 -120 --60 --30 --15
17 2176 1088 -544 -272 -136 --68 --34 --17
19 2432 1216 -608 -304 -152 --76 --38 --19
21 2688 1344 -672 -336 -168 --84 --42 --21
23 2944 1472 -736 -368 -184 --92 --46 --23
25 3200 1600 -800 -400 -200 -100 --50 --25
27 3456 1728 -864 -432 -216 -108 --54 --27
29 3712 1856 -928 -464 -232 -116 --58 --29
31 3968 1984 -992 -496 -248 -124 --62 --31
33 4224 2112 1056 -528 -264 -132 --66 --33
I haven’t yet tried but my guess is its probable to do some sort guitar tab type blinking sequence thing,
something along the lines of…
E F f G g A a B C c D d E F f G g A a B C
B C c D d E F f G g A a B C c D d E F f G
G g A a B C c D d E F f G g A a B C c D d
D d E F f G g A a B C c D d E F f G g A a
A a B C c D d E F f G g A a B C c D d E F
E F f G g A a B C c D d E F f G g A a B C
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 + 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 +
Its limited by the Repeater Device visuals of course, but I hope you get the idea…
The thought of a meta-user-customizable-visual-device that you could place in the middle screen (like the Ext. Editor of LFO and Instrument),
limited to 4 tracks ? would be cinnamon buns.
Just a fun question, not really meant as a feature suggestion…
So yeah, blinking blocks or blinking grids, what would you do ?