Republicans Choose Hockey-mom Running Mate


More good reading: Naomi Klein, The Shock Doctrine - The Rise of Disaster Capitalism

… and you know what’s really scary, fucked up, stupid (pick a negative adjective) - half the populace is still more interested in discussing what happened in sport over the weekend

Have you seen or read “manufacturing consent” by Noam Chomsky? He talks about how the media hides certain stories from the public. But I think things have gotten much better with the advent of the internet.

She’s not like an anchor or anything, she is a controversial conservative writer, of course she’s “biased”. And yes, she seems to piss off many left-wing people, for good reason.

I always thought it was funny how liberals tend to point their fingers at O’Reilly, Limbaugh and Coulter. Its not like they are the figureheads of the neo-conservative movement.

Try pointing your finger at Bill Kristal or Charles Krauthammer, or Christopher Hitchens. Its not as easy.

There’s a good 1992 documentary on this too, called “Manufacturing Consent: Noam Chomsky and the Media”

EDIT: Hence the word “seen” in the quote above that I skipped the first time, sorry. Still… a link!

Perhaps not the official figureheads, but they’re quite definitely gears in the machine. Quite influential ones at that.

Only because what they say grabs attention. They have no direct influence on the way our country operates. It would nice to think they are “gears in the machine” because arguing against them isn’t particularly difficult, I mean you practically have to quote them and you’ve won.

Think tanks such as the American Enterprise Institute, Heritage Foundation and the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) are really responsible for writing the manual on neoconservatism. I mean, Dick Cheney was a member of the PNAC (as well as Paul Wolfowitz). If thats not a direct influence, I don’t know what is.

i could tell that guy exactly why public protests of government no longer function as a means of getting anything done.
“anarchists and provocaters.”

the democrats have completely lost any ankling of compassion i may have had toward them. they allowed the ban on offshore drilling to expire. like leaves blowing in the wind.

Yes, SFW Porn:

Republicans aren’t just out of touch with democrats… they’re out of touch with their OWN VOTERS:

It’s like a really bad Disney movie:

Bill O’Reilly alters Biden interview:

Let’s wait the global revolution who ll give birth to a global world communist power driven by a uncorruptible big computer! Equality for all humans! power in borg’s hands! Jdeme kamarad !!!