Rubberband Updated (3.0)

@toimp, yeah it’s definitely too much for such a simple utility, I’m finding it useful though. Hadn’t thought of porting it over - that’s a good idea. Might try that out for some practice since I’m pretty terrible at lua.

Thanks for a great tool Suva!

osx 10.9.4 / r3.0 - all fine. thank you!

(sorry, didn’t realise I couldn’t attach a 512K+ file. Here’s the tool!)

hey if any of you were looking for paulstretch, I’ve hacked something together with the rubberband tool. To use it you’ll need to get Python 2.7, as well as NumPy and SciPy from here.

Paulstretch will show up in the usual “process > ~timestretch” dialogue. Just toggle the “enable paulstretch” box, and adjust the three new text boxes.
I’ve only managed to get it working with 16bit samples so far, you’ll have to convert them before you process them. (otherwise you’ll just get silence.)

I mainly just did this for myself but I hope that somebody else will find it useful. or at least save them a day of monkeying around with lua. tongue.gif

hey, does the paulstretch tool work in windows?

Yep, download here :slight_smile:

Meant the tool in Renoise :smiley:

Meant the tool in Renoise :smiley:

sorry I didn’t make this clear - the NumPy, SciPy and Python downloads I linked all work with windows! I use windows myself, so you shouldn’t have any problems with using my edit. :slight_smile:

Does it work in linux somehow? THX

Does it work in linux somehow? THX

I haven’t checked, but paulstretch is just a python script, so as long as you install NumPy and ScyPy for linux it should be fine.

Thanks… so i’ve installed these dependencies and then download your linux xrnx.
But it cant be load thats very interesting. Every other tool is installed if i move it into the renoise windows but renoise doesnt react to yours nor say anything. When i try open this file with renoise it is loaded as an noisy instrument not as a tool.
(maybe it is too big?)

hmm, not sure why that would be, maybe I exported it incorrectly. You could try extracting it as a zip archive, and then put it in the renoise tool folder, that could work.

Ok, i’ve done it but i dont see paul scretch in options

Hello, thank you for this tool!

Can you please join a description of the differents parameters (what they do and how it’s possible to interpolate between them)?

Thank you very much!

Ok, i’ve done it but i dont see paul scretch in options

Sorry for the confusion, the tool occupies the same menu as the rubber band tool!

Right click on the sample and then process>~timestretch…

then tick the box that says “enable paulstretch”

Some additional notes below about using the tool…

Can you please join a description of the differents parameters (what they do and how it’s possible to interpolate between them)?

Right! Sorry about that! I was mainly making the tool for my own purposes so I didn’t think to include the parameter names. I’ll try to fix that fast! In the mean time, from left to right the paramters are “Stretch,” “Window Size” and “Onset Sensitivity.”

Stretch is what it sounds like - it stretches the sample by the number entered. (entering 1 one keeps the sample at the same lenght, but smears it’s phase)

Window Size - how much the sound is “smeared out.” the larger the window, the more the blended sample sounds over time. (not sure about the range of this one, lowest I think is 0.05, not sure about how high.)

Onset Sensitvity basically dynamically adjusts smearing to preserve transients. (0 is max, 1 is min, default is 10 - so it is disabled)

Everything else on the timestretch screen is just for the rubberband tool; they can be ignored when the paulstretch box is ticked!

And as a final note: the script provided by paul only works with 16 bit samples, you’ll have to resample if your file is a 32 bit float.

Sorry for the confusion, the tool occupies the same menu as the rubber band tool!

Right click on the sample and then process>~timestretch…

then tick the box that says “enable paulstretch”

Some additional notes below about using the tool…

Thank you, but you didnt confuse me :-).
There is no tick box in linux. And i have standalone paulscratch and also all dependencies installed.

There is no tick box in linux. And i have standalone paulscratch and also all dependencies installed.

It seems I’m the one who’s confused then :stuck_out_tongue:

As far as I can think, I don’t know any other way to help! Sorry!

Maybe another linux user can give us a hand?

Lol, so i was confusing. I didnt overwrite the old tool right…
So now i see that tick box but when i use paulscretch, renoise tells me something about installing rubberband-cli or that i should input some other parameters. I have rubberband-cli installed and tool works without paul scretch ticked on.
So i will try to look into source code.

Anyone using this in Renoise 3.1?

Anyone using this in Renoise 3.1?

me, rns 3.1 under osx, no probs at all

This is really weird. I formatted my PC last week, forgot to take backup of my Renoise scripts and instruments, so I grabbed the newest version. Pretty sure the one I used before was also v.011.

I’m using 3.1 and the corresponding version, but whenever I try to stretch, pitchshift or change the tempo of anything, I get the “There is something wrong with your installation.” message. It worked perfectly fine before this, so what the heck happened?
I’ve tried reinstalling Renoise, wiping the registry keys, putting the Rubberband lib files in the appdata script dir, but the problem persists. It doesn’t work on my secondary PC, either. Using Windows 7 on both.