Completely awesome. What is the magic behind it? Someone has to know
I’d like to know…
Completely awesome. What is the magic behind it? Someone has to know
I’d like to know…
To be honest I’ve never understood how the shift distortion actually works.
Your mother must be so proud
It’s the sound of the bits and bytes pining their expiry.
I guess I should have been more explicit; what is the filter type behind here? What is the process that applies the distortion? That kind of stuff. I know how to use a filter I’m speaking strictly in terms of the DSP under the hood.
What is that supposed to mean? I’m just referring him to the manual.
Apparently I wasn’t the only one who misinterpret his first question.
So he rephrased his question, which makes more sense now.
maybe some kind of chebyshev wave-shaping filter?
Jonas, I’ve been playing with engineers filter from rsmet, and I do see some interesting shapes there, I’ll take a look at that further. Thanks for the help.
Was this the first filter that was lousy>got removed>back by dope demand?
rsmet engineers filter is a beast, what a shame it can’t be automated. : (
I know man. But it’s really really great for experiments and sound design. All of his plugins are very well made. Maybe we could give him a nudge and ask for EF2
What happened to scream filter, it was a must have tool for some of my drum and noise synthesis inside renoise…
And renoise team why you always are disabling some good features? I still have installed early renoise versions for that reason.
If you don’t want to show them i the effect panel make a hide button for them but dont disable them as they still active when loading old tracks anyway…
Scream filter is old filter 2 and a rectifier ( absolute value ) behind it .
It takes about ten mouseclicks to recreate in reaktor .
Or take any other filter and ad a rectify module …oh yeah renoise doesn’t have math modules …
Scream filter is old filter 2 and a rectifier ( absolute value ) behind it .
It takes about ten mouseclicks to recreate in reaktor .
Or take any other filter and ad a rectify module …oh yeah renoise doesn’t have math modules …
You think buying expencive software to replicate simple filter is the answer… :)I will go with the utility tool, the main question is why hide filters when they are still active for the backwards compatibility…
rectifier? Try the distortion device in “shift” mode. dunno why they called it “shift” and not “rect” which would be more logical
Rectifier? Why would you need to rectify audio, wouldn’t it just turn into DC?
Honestly i never got anything useful out of the scream filter, i can’t remember using it at all actually.
Rectification is a cool distortion. It shifts a sine wave one octave up, and generates lots of even order harmonics. That’s why the rectifier in renoise’s distortion module is named “shift”. Of course rectification creates dc offset, so there needs to be compensation, like with a dc trap hipass filter and an adapting offset - the renoise rectifier does that automatically. I’m pretty sure you’ve already used it, without knowing its a rectifier because it has a different name. Put a reso filter before the shift distortion, and you have kind of a sound like the old scream filter.
Yes, the scream filter sound is kind of “special”. I don’t like it either, and imo unfiltered rectification is in the “thing is severely broken” kind of soundscapes realm. But I use the shift distortion, in combination with parallel processing and post filtering and so it can create cool timbres.
Ok, i was thinking of rectifying as in electronics where you rectify a signal by using diodes to force it in one direction, in other words into a DC signal. Seems quite different from the rectifying you are talking about. Seems a bit weird to call something like that a rectifier imo, i don’t understand how that can rectify, as in the meaning of the word, anything at all?
Yes i use the shift distortion quite often. I like for instance a sine wave with a shift distortion followed by a fold distortion and filter at the end. Modulate the filter for a wobbling bass.
Rectifier? Why would you need to rectify audio, wouldn’t it just turn into DC?
Honestly i never got anything useful out of the scream filter, i can’t remember using it at all actually.
Well like I said , the scream filter is a low pass filter+res and a rectifier after it …a bit of gentle highpass filtering to roll of the low end ( dc offset .) 2 hZ is enough
Why , because I recreated an exact copy in reaktor .