There are so obviously brainwashing weapons being used on populations in recent years as a way to aggrivate people and feed them propaganda in the build up to war ( or even as a way to create terrorism in a resource rich area, providing an excuse for military action in the area ).
Subliminal messages could be all over the place online (online video and audio is not regulated). Subliminal messaging may use ‘pulsing’ ( or something along those lines ) to get images into peoples subconscious minds, dream states and long term memory. Meme-like flashcards which encourage violence, racism or division of some kind but also short CGI animations which are also designed to encourage violence, racism or fear. ‘Test cards’ with simple geometric shapes, crosses, stars, QR code, barcodes.
There are also directed audio weapons which can be used in psychological warfare or even for advertising purposes.
Actually, directed audio is quite an old technology ( see link below ). Directed audio devices can be handheld or aimed at people from a satellite.
( " Sound from ultrasound is the name given here to the generation of audible sound from modulated ultrasound without using an active receiver. This happens when the modulated ultrasound passes through a nonlinear medium which acts, intentionally or unintentionally, as a demodulator.")
Some of the more advaned versions which use a type of ‘silent audio’ that can not be picked up using a microphone may rely on wifi signals and require the targetted person to be near a place with wifi routers, mobile communications masts or smartphone handsets. They may also rely on the person having been given a food or injection, gas, drink or pill containing a material that can be excited with wifi signals. If a person is not near a wifi signal, like out in a countryside area, it would be necessary to either use a satellite targetting system or to have people with smartphones ( or a satellite-phone like device ) on them, moving around close to the targetted person…within a few hundred meters.
I watched a couple of documentaries about targetted individuals and I really think it is not bullshit at all.
They all have one thing in common. They all came into contact with psychiatry at some point or made a public statement which was unfavourable to people or companies with power and influence. They were all being told they were shizophrenic but they all also claimed that there was no way it could possibly be hallucinations for a number of reasons. The ‘halucinations’ had vocabulary the targetted individual did not have and did not understand was one example.
The ‘hallucinations’ were structured like a police interrogation, the ‘hallucinations’ used terminology only used in psychiatry or the police force.
Some of the targetted individuals were saying that when they were in remote areas the directed audio could not aim that well, that it was ‘scanning’ and couldnt keep up with fast movements etc. That would indicate that it can be directed from a satellite in remote areas. In a city it can be directed extremely accurately, tracking people with credit card or phone or camera network.
The whole point of psychiatry is to study the living human brain which means they must use human experimentation to collect data.
If the phenomenon of people being purposefully targetted and brainwahsed by psychiatrists is taken to be true it would probably involve small particles in the pills they force people to take which get lodged inside neurons or at the synapses. Those particles could provide a kind of functional MRI in the presence of wifi signals. That is, the particles would interfere with wifi signals and brain activity, and that interference could be recorded and interpreted.
The particles may be radioactive as most of the pills people are forced to take are said to have a ‘half life’.
To use this kind of weaponry on the whole population, these kinds of particles could be added into supermarket foods. The wifi signals are now everywhere, so in theory if someone was thought to be suspicious they could get a functional MRI from that persons brain.
If they needed to interrogate someone without declaring a formal investigation they could use directed audio and observe the response to questioning in the brain using the functional MRI.
It could even be used to monitor ‘workplace stress levels’ and things of that nature.
It would be the ultimate fascist dystopian nightmare. A society in which all privacy is completely taken away with everything including thought itself being monitored and manipulated constantly. A high tech city in which people are not in control of their own minds and are forced to obey as ‘automatons’. The population would beleive that they are thinking for themselves, but in reality every memory and thought would be drawn from suggestions in the brainwashing. Big businesses would probably try to introduce it as ‘augmented reality’, or ‘a fast education program’ or ‘therapy’. It would influence decisions made by jury members, judges, politicians, everyone. It would change election results, create terrorists, start wars etc.
Its obvious members of government and military are known to lie constantly and use anything they can which can give them an advantage.
Why wouldnt they use this kind of technology if it was available to them? They are not exactly guided by ‘moral principles’, but their decision making is guided by the aquisition of profit and power.
If you had talked to a person in the 1950s about an MRI machine, they would all say you were crazy, but that technology is real.
If you described laptop computers to people in the 1930s they would have all said its crazy and delusional.
There are new technologies which can control the human mind.