I didn’t find a post regarding this issue, although I’m quite sure it has been suggested by now.
In the Mixer View, cut, copy and paste either work for one effect, or for the whole device chain of a track. Would it be possible to mark a selection of certain effects with SHIFT/CTRL+left-click? This would be helpful, not just for arranging effects across different tracks, but also to simply switch them on and off (ENTER) without making use of send tracks.
Before you raise and stand to yell “I want add to the existing chain please”:
Device chains are attached to the track throughout the whole song.
Now you can save a chain to disk, then rightclick the .Fx file and then “Load with options” and uncheck the “Replace existing chain” box, then the chain will be added to the existing chain in the currently selected track.
The problem for the automation part is this:
If you copy the whole device chain, what should happen to the existing device chain automation in that track?
Delete or attach?
How would the automation be attached to the new device positions in that situation?
+1 for being able to select multiple dsp instances in the mixer view (with ctrl or shift like you would do in windows explorer) and copy/cut/drag them around.