The current send device has a switch between Mute Source and Keep Source. I think it would be really cool if that could be changed to a silder simply called ‘Dry’. At 100% it is the same as Keep Source and 0% the same as Mute - and all other 256 positions between are a gradient.
This would mean I could automate Dry-Wet fades without using a post-gate or a gainer. Anyone who has done the effect movement of ‘Dry sound with a bit of verb fading out to a completely wet verb sound’ would know what I mean.
Having a Dry parameter could also mean lots of other curly effects tricks could be achieved via automation and send channels.
Why I’ve shied away from using the Gainer is because ‘full volume’ is only set at 25%: so a fade from ‘full volume’ to ‘no volume’ has to use that small range from 25%-0%. This makes it a little fiddly with automation, and you have decreased resolution. Using the Gate’s floor value you get a full 100% to play with
Unless I’m mis-intrepting what you mean by the gainer. ?