Sending midi from Reaktor to a Renoise sampler instrument?

Is there currently any way to send midi out from Reaktor to a Renoise sampler instrument?

You can use virtual midi cable like Copperlan if you’re on Windows…

After setting the copperlan software’s cables, you have to config. the input in the instruments MIDI tab to receive what you’ve send from Reaktor…

Perso., I use it to send midi from max/msp to renoise without problem…

Ask if you need more detailed advice…

So there’s no way to do midi routing inside Renoise? Shit, that’s really lame!!! Most other DAWs have had this feature for years, why are the devs working on Redux instead of essential things like this? I honestly can’t believe this hasn’t been added considering midi has been around for 30+ years now?

Renoise is a tracker, not a DAW…
This is an argument for you to be excited about REDUX that will bring the core of what renoise is, inthe DAWs.

I agree it will be a great improvement when midi internal routing will be done in Renoise. But, for the moment there are workarounds.

I’m a happy renoise user/customer and think that the devs are doing a great job, not rushing the releases.
They already know that people want internal midi routing…

reaktor has some cool sequencers, will try this copperlan thing !

So there’s no way to do midi routing inside Renoise? Shit, that’s really lame!!! Most other DAWs have had this feature for years, why are the devs working on Redux instead of essential things like this? I honestly can’t believe this hasn’t been added considering midi has been around for 30+ years now?

I agree. Kinda essential to have this feature for us IDM enthusiasts. Would have been nice to automate my algorithmic sequencer in renoise… Oh well…