Perhaps they are referring the copyright regarding the videos and photo’s of the female artists. Not the demo images.
Dezacrator is a scener himself, but i forgot the group he was member from. I thought he was from Poland, but i could mistaken him for another scener with the same name.
Conspiracy does not list him after all unless he’s going by a different name perhaps (personal website says: Hollywood, Ca Area - atleast for booking). And as a demoscener he should know that bringing this stuff out uncredited ain’t much cool.
However, history told us already that it is not really uncommon that sceners rip off sceners too.
I’d leave it though. I’m beginning to think it would have been more wise to confront him via PN instead of start shooting in the forum.
Fingers ahead the brain. That was stupid on my end I believe.
turns out he’s also using ASD footage. Sorry, but that smells fishy…
Logo removed, credits removed, music out of sync. Empty - not a single mentioned of ASD?
scene music stolen :: pouë - case concluded. Move along.
Too bad most pictures are gone by now. Always nice to see other studio’s to get some inspiration on how to organise the studio!
Here’s a ‘incognito’ picture of my studio as it was a few months ago. I’m rebuilding my studio in a different room now.
well… not really “my studio”, but last week I went into the studio with the legendary Jan Vervloet
world famous from tracks like these:
+10.000 vinyls:
retro synths ( I think there were over 50 hardsynths all over the place… JUNO’s… a DX7…acces virus… etc
The actual studio…
The track we made will be released within a month on a big Belgium label.
My current setup. I’m now on the lookout for an arturia minibrute, korg monotribe and then probably a juno (don’t know which one yet). Also a better mixer and speakers would be nice I use renoise primarily for sequencing my waldorf blofeld and as a sampler, although I also make music on my laptop using Renoise only (during lunchbreak on my work).
No material I can let you hear though
renoise takes up a lot of space
Here’s my latest picture. It’s a few months out of date, but still highlights my favorite MIDI-controller: the Behringer BCF2000. And shag carpet on the wall
I’m drooling over some of these other setups…
Would you share a bit of how you use the BCF2000 that makes it your fav? (for another owner of a BCF2000 that just has it holding down papers at the moment…)
I’m more of a mixer than a composer. I’ve lost a ton of inspiration getting hung up on fine-tuning the mix too early. With the BCF I can more quickly and intuitively fiddle with mixes and get back to composing before I wander too far away from my inspiration.
I use my BCF primarily within Ableton Live and REAPER, though, where I can start the BCF up in MCU emulation mode and everything is automatically mapped to the controls. Renoise doesn’t come bundled with any specific MIDI controller support, so that approach kind of loses steam. There is a Renoise tool call Duplex that allows for two-way communication with a number of MIDI devices, like the Novation Launchpad, Keith McMillen QuNeo, and a hefty list of others. The BCF is listed with full support, but I haven’t tried it yet; I’m waiting for post-mix sends to be implemented before I bother.
The short of it is: I’d love to get an MCU ($1,100) but can settle for a BCF ($210) that can pretend to be an MCU
As Sends can be put anywhere in the chain you want, including at the end, I would warrant a guess you’ll be waiting a long time then!!
ah, E-mu Orbit “The Dance Planet” unit in there too. Owned it once, but sold it, kinda miss it.
would love to hear that track you made, is it out yet? link?
I was thinking the same thing.
Read more here.
Here is my Renoise battlestation
Sexy setup. Might I recommend switching your task bar to vertical on the side of one of your screens? You’ll get more vertical resolution out of your monitors and not waste all that screen space with empty taskbar space.
It takes getting used to at first but you’ll love it eventually. And think of the screen real-estate
Oh… em… gee… I’d never leave if my setup looked like that. Where do you live? I need to break into your home and take your setup as hostage.
Same here. But at the moment I constantly click the clock. Might take a day ot two, but thanks!
I believe it has other advantages as well, such as having your pinned taskbar items as well as the start button in the top left, which is near (usually) the browser navigation and first couple tabs, so it’s pretty efficient.
This has to be one of the coolest looking setups I’ve ever seen! What size are those monitors?
Here’s my humble studio-like desk