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I used to have synths and stuff, but for the last many years my setup has just looked like this:

I’m in ur lapt0p, makin’ ur muzix

Exploiting l0lcatz for doing the hard work you cheat!

I don’t dare messing with this cat ;)/>

nahhh. actually it’s very cute. I was working on the computer, and then she just steps in front of me and the laptop, forcing me to move the laptop backward so she can lay between…

Looks great m0d. But how about the acoustics?

nice mouse ;)

Ha. Nice. That’s where the work gets done.

“”, really?? :P

Come on, such a clean mouse and filthy keyboard. Blatantly authentic tracker photo!!!

Contains more germs and bacterias than a toiletseat.

thats true for every keybored no?

heres my set up
up until 2 years ago i was just using a regular monitor and computer keyboard with cheap computer speakers. i used that setup for 10+ years, so i felt i deserved an upgrade! =)

Actually cleaned and consolidated a ton of stuff in the studio over the past few weeks, here are some shots of my current setup:

Is that a m-audio 88es i see leaning against the left wall?

:lol: thats what caught your attention in that room?

no, that’s a camera shy kurzweil beat to hell SP-76, I used that when i played live for stromkern.


among other things… was just wondering cause i have a m-audio 88es. What’s wrong with it??

where’s soundwave? :D

The ultimate tracking computer! This Macbook was generously passed on to me recently and I needed to replace the “J” key anyway, so I had an idea, and thought “why not?”. I ordered 15 black keys and just put them on tonight. Why haven’t I thought of this years ago? I guess because most keyboards don’t come in both black and white versions.

A word of warning about Macbooks, it is really difficult to get the keys off without breaking the little hinges underneath (called “scissor clips”). I wouldn’t really recommend doing this on a macbook unless you do a little research first and maybe just order some extra scissor clips along with the alternate color keys.

Still, despite my troubles I think this will be well worth it. I have always mentally understood where the notes correspond to on the keyboard, but looking down and not being able to really visualize it without thinking about it first has always been a pain. This is really going to make the typing keyboard a lot more useful for composing. :D