just after some help/know how on sidechain compression in renoise… a little bewildered how to do it. so to make things easier I’ll provide a simple screenshot.
I want to have the two different lead sounds ducking in volume when the kick triggers. I did search it through the forums and thought I came up with a good method, having a signal follower on a kick drum track which routes to my ‘side’ send track’s gainer… but from there I got kind of lost. my idea was to send the send track’s signal to the lead track’s which I wanted to duck… but then I realised I couldn’t do that.
Any help would be much appreciated i’m sure this is a really really simple thing to do, i’m just missing it!
No need to use a send track in this particular example.
You have both Leads #1 and #2 contained in the group named ‘Bass’, so you can simply put the Gainer in the group track to control the volume of both leads, then connect the kick Signal Follower to the Gainer.
[quote=“dblue, post:2, topic:36867”]
No need to use a send track in this particular example.
You have both Leads #1 and #2 contained in the group named ‘Bass’, so you can simply put the Gainer in the group track to control the volume of both leads, then connect the kick Signal Follower to the Gainer.
I JUST came across the tutorial in the song folder… I had no idea it was there. Now I feel like a idiot, it’s such a simple thing to achieve. Thanks a lot though!
Any chance you could delete this thread? I feel silly for having solved it before someone even posted
the solution of dblue is not actually sidechain compression but volume ducking
sidechain compression could be achieve by connecting the threshold level of your compressor to an envelope follower.
What is the difference between volume ducking and sidechain compression
sidechain compression reduce dynamic (difference between loudest and quietest part of the audio signal) of a signal by another signal (most of the time drums )
volume ducking reduce volume of a signal by another signal
so i don’t sound exactly the same
most of the time sidechain compression bring the bass up and could mess stuff with noise floor when overdone (if you recorded analog synth for example)
when volume ducking doesn’t affect your signal : it’s just an automated volume gain
i do prefer volume ducking but it’s better to known that it’s not exactly the same then sidechain compression
Please note that the example file I uploaded is ‘dblue-ducking-example.xrns’ and that I personally didn’t call it ‘sidechain compression’ anywhere in my post
(But yes, I was replying to a topic titled ‘Sidechain Compression Help’, so I could/should have clarified things)
Anyway… you’re exactly right: they’re not quite the same thing, so it’s important to realise that fact.
Nevertheless, one can still use this basic volume ducking technique to get some very pleasing results.
Speaking personally, I like to use a combination of volume ducking + highpass filtering for these purposes. And rather than using the Signal Follower, I prefer to hand craft a custom one-shot LFO shape to control the volume/cutoff, which is then triggered by a Key or Volume Tracker on the kick notes. I find that this method gives a lot more control and predictable behaviour.
[sup]I’d rather have some more flexibele track routing , so I can actually use the side chain input of compressor vst’s .[/sup]
[sup]The way it is now, it is impossible to route audio signal ti side chain inputs of plugin …[/sup]
[sup]And yes we can use signal followers and gainers , but It would be great if we could some plugins to it’s fullest potential [/sup]