Sidekickv3 By Twisted Lemon

So is this definitely working in 1.8 now?

I mean, are the settings saved when you restart Renoise and load a song?

I am at work, so I cant test…

yes it works quite good :)
hihihi it s hard to understand how to use it first!

no problems using sidekick in 1.8 over here.
things you have to make sure is that you disable the bypassing on both instances of the FX and address the same greek letter (ie: alpha) for both.

the settings are also remembered correctly after reloading the tune here.

Thanks again!

Yes, this did the trick. If I have the bass first (aka on the left) it doesn’t work.

I’d just add to that list that both the kick and the bass channel must have ‘ducking’ selected. Other than that it’s perfect. :)

Hmmm, I think it’s more correct to not assign any letter to the triggering (kick) channel, just like Foo said. If you do assign the same letter then you also need to select keying (for the kick) and tweak the other settings (att, rel, thresh). But anyway the sound of the kick will still be altered, which is probably not what you want.

Too bad this plugin is not ported to the Mac. I really like it’s tightness. I offered the developer a Mac to port it but haven’t heard anything yet. But today I stumbled on a press release from Db audioware that they released something similair though not for free

Whooa! Works great! Thanks for sharing!

Hmm, it may be time to do an InDepth special on Sidekick…

you are absolutely right.

i thought it was logical to adress both channels to the same greek letter and tell the kickdrum sidekick to be the “keying” and the pad/bass/whatever sidekick to be the “ducking” plugin.
it always worked, but you’re correct - the kick will be processed and altered in its sound by sidekick then, which is not the case if you select “ducking” and do not assign any letter for it.
thanks for that hint, because i always hated sidekick for also touching the kickdrum, sound-wise.

I hate to be a jerk about this, but this is a really sub par solution for what actual sidechaining can give you. Are we really this desperate?

The effect is stuttery and unrefined, the actual plug ui is bugged, and it’s unwieldy to set up.

I know we’re excited about sidechaining (god knows i am), but this is completely useless to me. Sidechainined compression should not have audible “steps” in how compression takes place.

Taktik is looking into it but cannot promise anything at the moment.

I spent one complete day to understand how does “sidekick” works.

Like said Sunjammer, Sidekick is a bit rude sidechain but if you use a maximiser and a good compressor after… the result is amazing, really amazing!!

One kick channel + One “clone” kick channel with sidekick (keying, bypass off, all active virtual channels) + one bassline channel with sidekick (ducking, alpha channel active, bypass off) move thresold attack release to have good result

master: waves comp sc (full ratio, little attack, 0 release, thresold marker going just in the begining of the resonance curve, eq mode: split) + thrill me (default settings) + waves L2 maximiser

it s wiiickeeeed!!!

Yeah, but a solid Taktik coded sidechain device would be MUCH better.

of course :) i didn t want to say it but…


tested it earlier (sorry for not reading the whole topic before replying) and it worked great…

altough it inherits the same bug which is present with other sidechain plug-ins that it does not allways recall the routings of the instances correctly when a project is opened… Not a bit error though and it imo works really well otherwise …

Unfortunately, Sidekick has been incredibly inconsistent for me… and this is one of the major reasons I still push for internal sidechaining… that, and if implemented properly, internal sidechaining in renoise could kick the ass of almost all other sidechain implementations.

Yeah, I am more and more using the internal FX in Renoise. The way I see it, using the internal stuff makes more sense than 3rd party stuff as it is designed to work in Renoise. It is part of the actual program and as such is immune to any compatibility issues. Much like the Hardware and Software of a Mac is designed to work together (despite this, I am still a Windows user!)

Obviously, some of the FX in Renoise are not up to the high level of stuff from people like Voxengo, Kjaerhus etc etc, so I am still using 3rd party gear, but I would love to be able to ditch all my external gear safe in the knowledge that the Renoise stuff is the best out there.

So, any and all improvements are more than welcome.

I’m not in the “Renoise should replace every VST” camp… I just believe that something basic like sidechaining should have a place in the sequencer itself. Especially when its something that people tend to use on many channels in the same track.

So - almost a year after the last post here - I see mixed “reviews” about this sidekick.

As I understand it is working good on Renoise versions later than 1.8b6, but is still “sub-par” to other sidechain solutions.

Is this a high enough quality?

Are there any news in this regard? Is the currently available sidekick version any better (if it was at all updated)? Does anyone know of a plan to make sidechaining available in Renoise?

At a guess we’ll see modular VST routing in the Renoise 2.x cycle, which will allow for side-chaining fun.

Sidekick is a nice basic solution if you need simple tasks like having your bass ducked from your kick. As far as quality compression goes it could be a whole lot better, but until someone writes a better plugin themselves, well you just wait don’t you.

Have any of you guys tried “compressive” yet? I know it does sidechaining, just haven’t tried it yet (my music doesn’t really need it, i think). I know it’s a great comrpessor that seems to get a lot of love at the KVR community, here it is: