So what if it would be just a-b fader or have multiple pairs, or sequental snapshots, like a-b-c where latter is always compared to former. Then when taking snapshots all the params with equal values in compared pairs could be excluded all together, would decrease processing load I guess.
Did not think about VST thing so much since I generally use only simple effects and tend to use internal ones almost always. I haven’t come actoss with VST effect which would have such a huge parameter list that would be a problem, maybe some commercial monster synth as an effect? Absynth? That is possible, right?
yes, that would be obvious, but what if you change the preset of all you 10 devices and take a new snapshot ? the changed parameters could increase dramatically. i’m thinking at the worst case here, not about implementation details.
The point in not discarding equal values between snapshots when taking them rather than when choosing ones to be compared is that you could use any two and have them morph together with maybe different results.
I think that using the device so that machine used can handle it would be more in user responsibility. It would be pretty much stupid to expect several thousands of automated parameters not to have significant effect on processor load.
So maybe the global version should be forgotten.
If it would be possible to choose what devices to automate and what not it would of course be possible to have more control to what is happening, so if someone has a VST that has several thousands of parameters he could exclude it from snapshot. Of course similar results are schieved by not changing the parameters when making the snapshots. I really don’t think it would become a problem for me at least, because I rarely have such a huge need for modulating that much parameters.
Then I don’t know what should happen if value of snapshot controlled slider is changed from other source, maybe automation or pattern command would override, but there is similar problem with all other modulation devices because none of them work relative so I guess that is not any problem.
Maybe it would be kickass to have also ability to morph from whatever current state of tracks effects are to some snapshot, like having it take a temporary snapshot and using it as reference for that once, so that you could always morph to specific state of effects whatever had you done before. This could have its own symbol in snapshots. It would be like a parameter state variable. This would allow also to avoid stupid value jumps that couldotherwise happen when changing parameters after the morph and then morphing again. It could also be just one shot function that would morph effect in given time in lines to snapshot specified. Automated in pattern effects like xyzz, where z value would be the number of lines.