One of my biggest pet peeves with renoise is my inability to affect several parameters through one. I’ve been bitching about this for ages, asking for scripting, param connection and generic slider metadevices, bla de blah blah.
Most of this bitching comes from my work in 3d animation; Maya is just such a crazy versatile tool in terms of making your own scripts and shortcuts to make your job easier. This isn’t Maya specific, but it’s one of the greatest things in 3d animation today and i just started to think there’s no good reason the methodology isn’t applicable to Renoise DSP chains; Blend shape animation.
I spend a lot of time making f****ed up sounds, especially kick drums. This can involve DSP chains that get absurdly long, and i refuse to render down to sample because it kills my ability to tweak. The most fun to have in Renoise for me (aside from the obvious) is to put a sound through a hellish amount of tweaks, and then change parameters early in the chain to hear the effect cascade down the chain. So baking/freezing/rendering is not an option for me.
A problem arises when i hit that sweet spot that produces an excellent sound; often involving miniscule parameter changes in a bunch of devices, and i get afraid that if i change the params around i’ll get lost and not find my way back to my sweet spot. In other cases, tweaks done by typing in parameters are un-tweakable by effect column due to hexadec resolution issues (and i loathe using automation for rapid fire parameter changes). A good example is how the gainer can’t be set to 0db gain through effect column. Closest you get is 0.034.
My suggestion to solve both the getting-lost problem and the multiple parameter tweak problem? A Chain state blender metadevice:
So what’s the idea here?
This is an exclusive device, as in every track can only contain one(1) of them. Its position in the chain has no importance. What it does is, every time you click “New state”, it makes a “snapshot” of the parameters of every DSP in the chain, and adds a new item to the state list. This item is renamable to whatever you feel describes the state best. What the device does from this point is to take that snapshot and “mix it” with whatever parameters are currently set on the DSPs by a percentage. So at 0% State A, no parameter change is applied to your DSPs. At 100%, your DSP’s are set to what they were at when State A was stored, no matter the automation or pattern commands. At 50%, 50% of the automation, pattern commands and current state remain, multiplied by the difference of the current state and State A.
In short, you have “wet” parameters and “dry” parameters.
As several states are stored, all their values are multiplied together. The state higher up in the list takes priority, so if State A (above State B ) is at 100%, setting State B to 100% will make no difference. If State B is at 100% and State A is increased past 0%, A will again take precedence, so State A at 25% and State B at 100% means State B is effectively at 75%
I’m sure much of my “maths” here is wonky but you catch my drift Just thought this up in the shower for chrissakes.
Uses? Well aside from the obvious, this also allows for some primitive parameter linking: Saving a state when a filter’s cutoff is at 0 and resonance is at 100%, and another when it’s the opposite, setting the second state (with lower priority) to 100% and using the first state’s slider to automate both cutoff and resonance.
I haven’t thought much about filtering out certain devices, but perhaps a checkbox on all other devices (defaulting to On) would serve as a filter?
Finally, the “flatten” button takes the current blend of states and applies them to the current “dry” values.
Any thoughts?