[solved] Big Performance Problem

Hey guys… iam desperate…

i used to have a dual core cpu 2x2,5 Ghz.
now i upgraded to a Quad Core 4x3Ghz ( AMD PHENOM II X4 940BE)

oh and damn i was excited…

so i started renoise… openened up massive… i and i thought what the hell… the “untitled sound” is using 64% of my cpu… when i press like 3 keys on my midi controller… its completly impossible to make music like that…

what is wrong? (iam using win 7 64bit, if you say "yea thats because you r using a 64bit os iam more then happy and switch back to xp)

[renoise preferences -> 4Cores / i looked it up in the task manager… and renoise IS using 4 cores)

plz help me guys…

have you tried if setting Renoise to use only one core does at least give expected performances?

could you please post the content of the log.txt file which is showed with Help => Show the Log File ?

ok iam playing a song
renoise 1core -> 11.7%
taskamanger says -> 6%

renoise 4cores ->9.5%
taskamanger says -> 6%

[spoiler]Version : Renoise V2.0.0 (Jan 14 2009)
Date : 2009-06-19
Time : 14:01:09
OS : Unknown Windows Version: major 6minor 1

CPU: Found 4 enabled unit(s) with 1 core(s) / 1 logical processor(s) per unit. 4 cores are enabled in total.

Application: Showing the splash window…
Application: Initializing the API…

QuickTime: Initializing…
QuickTime: Successfully initialized…
QuickTime: Running QuickTime Version: 7628000

Graphport: Initializing Freeimage…

GraphPort: Initializing DirectX…
GraphPort: Checking the DirectX version…
GraphPort: Obtaining and configuring the DirectX interface…
GraphPort: Initializing the Font Engine…

MIDI: Initializing DirectMusic…
MIDI: Enumerating DirectMusic (WDM) MIDI devices…
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘Microsoft MIDI Mapper [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘EDIROL PCR MIDI OUT [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘EDIROL PCR [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘EDIROL PCR MIDI IN [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘EDIROL PCR 1 [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘EDIROL PCR 2 [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping softsynth WDM out-device ‘Microsoft Synthesizer’ (not supported)
MIDI: Enumerating Windows MME MIDI devices…
MIDI: Adding MME in-device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface’
MIDI: Adding MME in-device ‘EDIROL PCR MIDI IN’
MIDI: Adding MME in-device ‘EDIROL PCR 1’
MIDI: Adding MME in-device ‘EDIROL PCR 2’
MIDI: Adding MME out-device ‘Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth’
MIDI: Adding MME out-device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface’
MIDI: Adding MME out-device ‘EDIROL PCR MIDI OUT’
MIDI: Adding MME out-device ‘EDIROL PCR’
MIDI: Finished device enumeration

DspDevices: Registering native DSP effects…

Application: Creating the main application…
Application: Start running…
Application: Loading the preferences…
Application: Init…

VSTPlugs: Searching for new VST plugins in ‘C:\VST’…

DirectSound: Initializing…
DirectSound: Using SampleRate 44100
DirectSound: Primary Buffer Format: FormatTag=1, Channels=2, SamplesPerSec=44100, BitsPerSample=16, BlockAlign=4
DirectSound: CreateObjects … OK
DirectSound: Output Buffer Format: BufferSize=88200, FormatTag=1, Channels=2, SamplesPerSec=44100, BitsPerSample=16, BlockAlign=4
DirectSound: CreateBuffer … OK
DirectSound: Using pollbuffersize: 1536
DirectSound: Up and running

MIDI: Opening MME Midi-In device ‘EDIROL PCR 1’

Application: Creating a new document…

Timer: Seems safe to use the ‘QueryPerformance’ counters…

Player: Constructing…
Player: Attaching to the document…
Player: Creating the slave threads…
Player: Start running…

GUI: Creating the Document GUI…
GUI: Successfully constructed

Application: A new document was created.

GraphPort: Initializing in WindowedMode
GraphPort: Successfully initialized

Application: Init OK
Application: Enter MainLoop…

MIDI: Opening MME Midi-In device ‘EDIROL PCR 2’

MIDI: Closing MME Midi-In device ‘EDIROL PCR 2’
MIDI: Opening MME Midi-In device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface’

MIDI: Closing MME Midi-In device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface’

MIDI: Opening MME Midi-In device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface’

VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate C:\VST\Native Instruments\Massive.dll
VstPlugs: Analyzing VST plugin ‘Native Instruments: Massive’, Unique ID:1315523937, Version:2400
VstPlugs: Using static processing buffers (256 Samples) for plug ‘Native Instruments: Massive’
VstPlugs: Instantiate OK

Warning Message: The audio engine was stopped, because it used too much CPU for a quite long time.
Warning Message: Note: You can disable this behavior in the audio preferences pane…

Warning Message: The audio engine was stopped, because it used too much CPU for a quite long time.
Warning Message: Note: You can disable this behavior in the audio preferences pane…

DirectSound: Stop Polling…
DirectSound: Releasing Primary Sound Device…
DirectSound: Initializing…
DirectSound: Using SampleRate 44100
DirectSound: Primary Buffer Format: FormatTag=1, Channels=2, SamplesPerSec=44100, BitsPerSample=16, BlockAlign=4
DirectSound: CreateObjects … OK
DirectSound: Output Buffer Format: BufferSize=88200, FormatTag=1, Channels=2, SamplesPerSec=44100, BitsPerSample=16, BlockAlign=4
DirectSound: CreateBuffer … OK
DirectSound: Using pollbuffersize: 1536
DirectSound: Up and running

Application: Exit…

Player: Constructing…
Player: Attaching to the document…
Player: Creating the slave threads…
Player: Start running…

GUI: Creating the Document GUI…
GUI: Successfully constructed

VstPlugs: Releasing C:\VST\Native Instruments\Massive.dll…
VstPlugs: C:\VST\Native Instruments\Massive.dll was released

Shut down: Released the old Document
Shut down: Stopped the Player

MIDI: Shut down: Closing all acquired MIDI devices…
MIDI: Closing MME Midi-In device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface’
MIDI: Closing MME Midi-In device ‘EDIROL PCR 1’
MIDI: Shutting down DirectMusic…

Shut down: Stopped and released all MIDI-Devices

DirectSound: Stop Polling…
DirectSound: Releasing Primary Sound Device…

Shut down: Stopped and released the active Audio-Device
Shut down: Destroyed the Player
Shut down: Destroyed the Window and all Views
Shut down: Destroyed the Document
Shut down: Saving the preferences

GraphPort: Releasing DirectX…

Shut down: Destroyed the GraphPort
Shut down: Destroyed the Preferences
Shut down: App is down

Application: Exit OK
Application: Finalizing the API…

Quicktime: Shutting down…

so, if I understand well, you only experience problems using Massive? Have you already tried if the problem persists using latest Renoise version (2.1.0)?

i start to get the feeling that its massive… i loaded up some of my older projects… i got some with 3 absynth instances and its running fine… still not as good as i expected…

maybe a way to compare

running the beatslaughter psydrums demo song… iam getting about 27 - 30% at pattern 15

hey… and thanks a lot for your quick replies

8.7% here with XP SP3 on a Intel Q6600 QuadCore 2.4GHz.

you should also check the audio settings; in particular, getting a good compromise between latency and CPU load ensures better performances. Windows 7 could still suffer of non optimized drivers, expecially for 64bit version.

also, regarding your old projects, you should take in mind that the multicore support in Renoise works by dividing the audio signals into threads; without going too much into technical details, consider this silly example: if you play with a QuadCore a song which has only two tracks, Renoise will divide the audio signal in two threads only, thus not taking advantage of the whole system. the real scenario is quite more complex, but still can explain some reduced performances.

finally, please consider using Renoise 2.1.0

iam getting exact same results with 2.1.0… GODDAMNIT!!! :frowning:

back to xp?

… make sure adaptive CPU throttling is disabled in the power plan settings. If its enabled, the your CPUs will only run as fast as they currently “have to be” to handle the things you throw at them.

NO FUCKIN WAY! excuse my language but i cant believe it…

i changed the settings… took me a while to find it cuz my OS is in german^^
i changed it to high performance… now iam getting 8.7% at the demo song…

dunno if it should be lower just because i got 0.6ghz more on every core… but i think i can live with that…

thanks alot… both of you