ok iam playing a song
renoise 1core -> 11.7%
taskamanger says -> 6%
renoise 4cores ->9.5%
taskamanger says -> 6%
[spoiler]Version : Renoise V2.0.0 (Jan 14 2009)
Date : 2009-06-19
Time : 14:01:09
OS : Unknown Windows Version: major 6minor 1
CPU: Found 4 enabled unit(s) with 1 core(s) / 1 logical processor(s) per unit. 4 cores are enabled in total.
Application: Showing the splash window…
Application: Initializing the API…
QuickTime: Initializing…
QuickTime: Successfully initialized…
QuickTime: Running QuickTime Version: 7628000
Graphport: Initializing Freeimage…
GraphPort: Initializing DirectX…
GraphPort: Checking the DirectX version…
GraphPort: Obtaining and configuring the DirectX interface…
GraphPort: Initializing the Font Engine…
MIDI: Initializing DirectMusic…
MIDI: Enumerating DirectMusic (WDM) MIDI devices…
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘Microsoft MIDI Mapper [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘EDIROL PCR MIDI OUT [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘EDIROL PCR [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘EDIROL PCR MIDI IN [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘EDIROL PCR 1 [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping emulated WDM device ‘EDIROL PCR 2 [Emuliert]’
MIDI: Skipping softsynth WDM out-device ‘Microsoft Synthesizer’ (not supported)
MIDI: Enumerating Windows MME MIDI devices…
MIDI: Adding MME in-device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface’
MIDI: Adding MME in-device ‘EDIROL PCR MIDI IN’
MIDI: Adding MME in-device ‘EDIROL PCR 1’
MIDI: Adding MME in-device ‘EDIROL PCR 2’
MIDI: Adding MME out-device ‘Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth’
MIDI: Adding MME out-device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface’
MIDI: Adding MME out-device ‘EDIROL PCR MIDI OUT’
MIDI: Adding MME out-device ‘EDIROL PCR’
MIDI: Finished device enumeration
DspDevices: Registering native DSP effects…
Application: Creating the main application…
Application: Start running…
Application: Loading the preferences…
Application: Init…
VSTPlugs: Searching for new VST plugins in ‘C:\VST’…
DirectSound: Initializing…
DirectSound: Using SampleRate 44100
DirectSound: Primary Buffer Format: FormatTag=1, Channels=2, SamplesPerSec=44100, BitsPerSample=16, BlockAlign=4
DirectSound: CreateObjects … OK
DirectSound: Output Buffer Format: BufferSize=88200, FormatTag=1, Channels=2, SamplesPerSec=44100, BitsPerSample=16, BlockAlign=4
DirectSound: CreateBuffer … OK
DirectSound: Using pollbuffersize: 1536
DirectSound: Up and running
MIDI: Opening MME Midi-In device ‘EDIROL PCR 1’
Application: Creating a new document…
Timer: Seems safe to use the ‘QueryPerformance’ counters…
Player: Constructing…
Player: Attaching to the document…
Player: Creating the slave threads…
Player: Start running…
GUI: Creating the Document GUI…
GUI: Successfully constructed
Application: A new document was created.
GraphPort: Initializing in WindowedMode
GraphPort: Successfully initialized
Application: Init OK
Application: Enter MainLoop…
MIDI: Opening MME Midi-In device ‘EDIROL PCR 2’
MIDI: Closing MME Midi-In device ‘EDIROL PCR 2’
MIDI: Opening MME Midi-In device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface’
MIDI: Closing MME Midi-In device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface’
MIDI: Opening MME Midi-In device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface’
VstPlugs: Trying to instantiate C:\VST\Native Instruments\Massive.dll
VstPlugs: Analyzing VST plugin ‘Native Instruments: Massive’, Unique ID:1315523937, Version:2400
VstPlugs: Using static processing buffers (256 Samples) for plug ‘Native Instruments: Massive’
VstPlugs: Instantiate OK
Warning Message: The audio engine was stopped, because it used too much CPU for a quite long time.
Warning Message: Note: You can disable this behavior in the audio preferences pane…
Warning Message: The audio engine was stopped, because it used too much CPU for a quite long time.
Warning Message: Note: You can disable this behavior in the audio preferences pane…
DirectSound: Stop Polling…
DirectSound: Releasing Primary Sound Device…
DirectSound: Initializing…
DirectSound: Using SampleRate 44100
DirectSound: Primary Buffer Format: FormatTag=1, Channels=2, SamplesPerSec=44100, BitsPerSample=16, BlockAlign=4
DirectSound: CreateObjects … OK
DirectSound: Output Buffer Format: BufferSize=88200, FormatTag=1, Channels=2, SamplesPerSec=44100, BitsPerSample=16, BlockAlign=4
DirectSound: CreateBuffer … OK
DirectSound: Using pollbuffersize: 1536
DirectSound: Up and running
Application: Exit…
Player: Constructing…
Player: Attaching to the document…
Player: Creating the slave threads…
Player: Start running…
GUI: Creating the Document GUI…
GUI: Successfully constructed
VstPlugs: Releasing C:\VST\Native Instruments\Massive.dll…
VstPlugs: C:\VST\Native Instruments\Massive.dll was released
Shut down: Released the old Document
Shut down: Stopped the Player
MIDI: Shut down: Closing all acquired MIDI devices…
MIDI: Closing MME Midi-In device ‘USB Uno MIDI Interface’
MIDI: Closing MME Midi-In device ‘EDIROL PCR 1’
MIDI: Shutting down DirectMusic…
Shut down: Stopped and released all MIDI-Devices
DirectSound: Stop Polling…
DirectSound: Releasing Primary Sound Device…
Shut down: Stopped and released the active Audio-Device
Shut down: Destroyed the Player
Shut down: Destroyed the Window and all Views
Shut down: Destroyed the Document
Shut down: Saving the preferences
GraphPort: Releasing DirectX…
Shut down: Destroyed the GraphPort
Shut down: Destroyed the Preferences
Shut down: App is down
Application: Exit OK
Application: Finalizing the API…
Quicktime: Shutting down…