[SOLVED] Tying"S.Editor:Edit:Save Sample As"To 2Nd Bind/Drag?

Hi, uhh, this is a continuation of https://forum.renoise.com/t/save-wav-by-drag-to-file-browser/32601

This all starts from the thought that it’d be so nice to just be able to select a Instrument Box object and be able to save it to Sample

>>> oprint (renoise.song().selected_sample.name)  
>>> oprint (renoise.song().selected_sample.name)  
>>> oprint (renoise.song().selected_sample.name)  
meininxk_pitchtreecycleh 015  

However, does LUA allow for saving of the selected .wavfile?

See renoise.song().selected_sample:save_as() which is documented in Renoise.Song.API.lua

-- Export sample data to a file. Possible errors are shown to the user,  
-- otherwise success is returned. Valid export types are 'wav' or 'flac'.  
renoise.song().instruments[].samples[].sample_buffer:save_as(filename, format)  
 -> [boolean - success]  

Which can be found in the preferences folder (Help → Show preferences folder) /scripts/documentation


it is, then! Thanks. I unfortunately don’t currently know how to set a dialog window to ask for a filename and then pass that into the save_as(“portion”).

With an inputbox?
Try the gui_examples in the tools menu that Takti provided, i sometimes still browse these lua sources to get some info that i forgot. (In generic i’m a big copy/paste cat)

This is so sick. Especially “Available controls”, I’ve never seen such cool sliders and various.

The BatchBuildingViews is the most promising for me… Especially if I can just get down to, instead of building views in batches, just get a row going and get all the buttons to do something specific - launch a specific function and all :)

renoise.song().selected_sample.sample_buffer.save_as(filename, format)  

interestingly however, I can’t call this from the terminal and write (“hallou”, wav) and think there’ll be a hallou.wav saved to… where? :)

To the folder where the user submits it.
If you want to make it yourself the most easy, use the MyPathvar = renoise.app().prompt_for_path(“Title”) function

-- >>> rprint (renoise.app():prompt_for_path("tittle"))  
-- /Users/esaruoho/Documents/do/brain_project/setti1/  

This is about how far I get. Maybe I’m doing something wrong:

function savesamplefoldertestTwo()  
local MyPathvar = nil  
local myFile = nil  
MyPathvar = renoise.app():prompt_for_path("Where to Save Your Sample?")  
myFile = renoise.app():prompt_for_filename_to_write("wav", "What Your File?")  
do renoise.song().selected_sample.sample_buffer.save_as(MyPathvar/myFile, "wav")  

both MyPath var and myFile are done, i.e., they are displayed nicely. I guess I’m not supposed to do MyPathvar/myFile since it thinks it’s an arithmetic calculation.

*** main.lua:459: attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'MyPathvar' (a string value)  
*** stack traceback:  
*** main.lua:459: in function 'savesamplefoldertestTwo'  
*** main.lua:485: in function <485><br>

When I changed it to (MyPathvar,myFile,"wav") I got another type of error:<br>

*** No matching overload found, candidates:<br>
*** bool save_as(SampleBuffer&amp;,custom [class String] const&amp;,custom [class String] const&amp;)<br>
*** stack traceback:<br>
*** [C]: in function 'save_as'<br>
*** main.lua:459: in function 'savesamplefoldertestTwo'<br>
*** main.lua:485: in function <485><br>


rprint (renoise.app():prompt_for_filename_to_write("wav", "What Your File?"))<br>
/Users/esaruoho/Music/samples/able2logic/se yks/gjgjgj/rllrlr.wav<br>

makes total sense - it seems that this is a way to get the required result. Yet<br>

rprint (renoise.song().selected_sample.sample_buffer.save_as("myFile", "wav"))<br>
*** No matching overload found, candidates:<br>
*** bool save_as(SampleBuffer&amp;,custom [class String] const&amp;,custom [class String] const&amp;)<br>
*** stack traceback:<br>
*** [C]: in function 'save_as'<br>
*** [string "rprint (renoise.song().selected_sample.samp..."]:1: in main chunk<br>

It just doesn't seem to work.<br>

local MyPathvar = nil<br>
local myFile = nil<br>
MyPathvar = renoise.app():prompt_for_path("Where to Save Your Sample?")<br>
myFile = renoise.app():prompt_for_filename_to_write("wav", "What Your File?")<br>
do renoise.song().selected_sample.sample_buffer.save_as("myFile", "wav")<br>

This, in my mind, should save a myFile -named file somewhere, but it just gives a:<br>

*** No matching overload found, candidates:<br>
*** bool save_as(SampleBuffer&amp;,custom [class String] const&amp;,custom [class String] const&amp;)<br>
*** stack traceback:<br>
*** [C]: in function 'save_as'<br>
*** main.lua:459: in function 'savesamplefoldertestTwo'<br>
*** main.lua:486: in function <486><br>


Phew, after some mucking about finally got a result:

function savesamplefoldertestTwo()  
local MYFILE = nil  
MYFILE = renoise.app():prompt_for_filename_to_write("wav", "What Your File?")  
renoise.song().selected_sample.sample_buffer:save_as(MYFILE, "wav")  
renoise.app():show_status("Sample saved to:" .. MYFILE)  

Okay, tried to do the logical conclusion:

function savesampleinfolder()  
local MYFILE = nil  
MYFILE = renoise.app():prompt_for_filename_to_write("wav", "What Your File?")  
if ( MYFILE == nil ) then exit() else  
renoise.song().selected_sample.sample_buffer:save_as(MYFILE, "wav")  
 renoise.app():show_status("Sample saved to: " .. MYFILE)  

However, MYFILE reports ‘.’ if I press esc in the prompt_for_filename_to_write. I tried ‘.’ “.” . and nil and none of them worked. What am I doing wrong?

Ok, a friend suggested “” and hey presto, it worked!

function savesampleinfolder()  
local MYFILE = nil  
MYFILE = renoise.app():prompt_for_filename_to_write("wav", "What Your File?")  
 if ( MYFILE == "" ) then return  
 renoise.song().selected_sample.sample_buffer:save_as(MYFILE, "wav")  
 renoise.app():show_status("Sample saved to: " .. MYFILE)  

If you compare your file to nil you can better do something like:

if MYFILE ~= nil then  

In that case your routine is only executed if your variable is something other than nil.
The reason why this isn’t accepted:
renoise.song().selected_sample.sample_buffer.save_as(MyPathvar/myFile, “wav”)

Is because you have to do these things this way:
renoise.song().selected_sample.sample_buffer.save_as(MyPathvar…“/”…myFile, “wav”)
As the path separator is still a string character that you have to concatenate in between your two variables, as so should it be treated like that.

I tried this as a replcaement, and said “else return” and it just wouldn’t work. I got the prompt, but when pressed esc, got the same " “.” " error. Confusing! So sticking to the one that was already there.

As always, thanks for your help and advice, I’m so glad that these things are slowly starting to work in scripts.

Okay, it’s functional and working on it’s brother, the load.

-- save sample in folder, functional  
function savesampleinfolder()  
local MYFILE = nil  
local patheo = renoise.song().selected_track.available_devices  
MYFILE = renoise.app():prompt_for_filename_to_write("wav", "Choose where to save your sample")  
 if ( MYFILE == "" ) then return false  
 renoise.song().selected_sample.sample_buffer:save_as(MYFILE, "wav")  
 renoise.app():show_status("Sample saved to: " .. MYFILE)  

Currently disfunctional loader, but I’ll get down to this when it’s time to do more of this type stuff for the GUI

function loadsampleinfolder()  
 local MYFILE = nil  
 MYFILE = renoise.app():prompt_for_filename_to_read({"wav"}, "Pick Your Filename")  
 if ( MYFILE == "" ) then return false  
 renoise.song().selected_sample.sample_buffer:load_from(MYFILE, "wav")  
 renoise.app():show_status("Sample Loaded: " .. MYFILE)  