Some news about the upcoming Renoise release

Good news. The unexpected main feature is of course a freeform pianoroll. Draw your portamendos with bezier-curves.

Freaking awesome! Super excited!

Great news!! Can’t wait for the new release…!!! :dribble: :w00t: :yeah:

Thank you so much! Renoise has been my favorite music purchase so far, the quality far exceeds price and the included update scheme is great. I can’t wait to see what is coming. WOOT!


With many other software packages I have doubted similar messages but with Renoise…nah, it’s probably just like the developers say it is :) You guys are good. Good work & thanks for the update.

Yes. Fully integrated Nibbles.

News from nothing and +1 clicks for free!

a screen capture of r3 or it didn’t happened

Watch out kitty, Renoise is coming to get you!

Thanks for the info Taktik!

maybe 3.0 will fully support old school modules like half the userbase wants

(Renoise releases should be like Christmas)

I agree but we should at least get to feel the presents.

That’s what the Beta is for.

No, I mean some kind of screenshot that has you guessing, beta is pretty much the same as final (bugs removed).

The last time someone did that, it was mxb and it was a fully blurred shot where nothing made any sense whatsoever and it was just designed to piss everyone off…

:D I bet Christmas around his house is fun.

Yo, I got one screenshot now :

I shall treat that screenshot with the contempt it deserves.