Spawn New Column


i wondered if there is a way to force renoise to spawn a new column in an instrument channel (in the patten editor) for every ‘new note’.

let me explain further.

  • I play in a beat manually, usuing external midi controller.
  • For simplicity, lets say I just use the kick and snare

Unless I play both simultaneously, they will both appear in the same colum

Is there any way that I can have renoise automatically place the kick and the snare into two separate columns?

Hope this makes sense.

Hold the shift key and then play each note individually while holding the shift key. All notes are placed on an additional row each hit until you release the shift key.

Ahh vV, probably he means something like ‘column locking feature’.
Being recorded like
kick(c-3) = column1, snare(d-3) = column2,
while playing both notes in realtime.

Unfortunately you cannot record in such way in realtime.
I also want such feature.

Yes that is exactly it! bummer… was hoping it would be doable. makes playing beats in live harder to edit.

Is there a feature request section in this forum?

The ‘shift’ method wouldnt work unfortunately as it would mean i’d potentially end up with 4(±) columns for each drumhit.

Beats can be insterted manually very quickly when using the EditStep and continues paste features…

The feature requests can be dropped in the Ideas and suggestions forum: