Steam Renoise User Group

Hey Beat,

do you play UT2k4 still? Maybe TAM? On which servers do you usually play? Because I play TAM often on some public german server.

Hey Right on Vv! i have been curious how to post up YT vids, Thanks man! also, after i posted that link i happened upon a source mod, but it doesn’t have any functions to grab on to anything or jump properly. the screenshots look impressive but i couldn’t see how to fix a problem with textures not loading, unless it is supposed to look kinda drap. I didn’t quite realize EA is the company behind Mirror’s edge, i saw it on steam and assumed it was Source. Didn’t mean to go offtopic Beat. :)

I noticed the reselling on Steam as well, Steam is just a reselling channel for lot of game manufacturers, they seem to have figured out sales through steam work out just as well and saves them CD/DVD productions and logistics cost.
The only pity i find it is that the price is not cheaper than buying the DVD/CD.
btw, i bought a copy of that game for less.

Nice number for sure and more people owning L4D means probably also even more new content might be available for it.

Haven’t touched it since quite some time. I’ve moved on to UT3 meanwhile, but my current favorite is Left 4 Dead. My nick in UT3 is “beatslaughter” too if someone wants to add me.

No problem, feel free to discuss game related things here. Mirrors Edge does look interesting, but from all the reviews i’ve read it seems to make fun only for a short time, but quickly get’s boring, so i’m simply waiting until it’s available as some budget title. Play time is quite short and not worth the full price imo.

i was about to buy mirror’s edge yesterday, but the cheapest i found was from thailand and the seller also had warez listed, i was kind of amazed google is indexing the seller!

so far i’ve put about 6 and a half hours into Dead Space.

can’t get this to embed, i think maybe it’s because it’s graphic.

i get the same real hard and precise feeling i got from chronicles of riddick escape from butcher bay. it’s almost like they intended to write the game for people well aware of EFBB. also, it has a bunch of elements from other games. the controls definetly take some getting use to, but it’s worth learning, and highly impressive.

If you want to embed:

[url] width=[width] height=[height][/embed]  
in your case this should be :  

Also notice that the embed URL for a Youtube movie is different than the URL you posted…
watch?v=[value] versus /v/value
I made this mistake several times myself as well.

ah cool, Thanks again Vv!
embedding seems kinda confusing at first, i may save your post in my signature for a while! :)

this one has my interest peaked big time!

ooo this one too:

Aha… finally a true source edition of HL1, i was pretty disappointed when they released the source edition of HL1 back then just to find out they only improved a few area and environmental things but the rest was still plain old HL1 Dos Graphics.
Now Blue shift and Opposing Force left to convert…

i downloaded the Source SDK & SDK Base and the XSI Mod Tool over the weekend with the updates and crosswalk, though i haven’t found a way to import source models into XSI Mod Tool. is it possible?

Wow, nice thread!

Was 'bout to fix a new account… Since I’m probably logged in somewhere (don’t know where), and I’m getting random logouts. Any way to transfer games? Guess not but who knows…

Will join when I’m done with that. :)

i believe you have to remove the game from your old account and put the keys into your new account.

If you are logged in somewhere else, your login credentials got breached somehow then.
I would suggest to change your password first and see how far that will get you else the other one using the account might change the password for you.
If you still get logged out randomly, perhaps you should check your firewall settings or your gateway configuration.

Playing games on a wireless LAN can also give you such results if you have a poor connection or many environmental disturbances of your radio-signal.

Two things

A question:
To anyone who’s played mirror’s edge: does it play well? is it as fluid as it would appear in that youtube vid choice posted or did they pick a few “good bits” to showcase the game? Looks interesting…

An offer:
To anyone that doesn’t have a copy of and is interested in playing halflife 2 and hl2 episode 1, I still have a free “gift” copy of each from when valve did a promotion for orange box. Everyone I know already seems to have a copy… Free to good home ;)

i had an impulse and went and bought it.
the box says:
OS: WinXP SP2, Directx 9.0c
CPU: 3.0GHz or higher
RAM: 1gb or more
VIDEO: Directx 9.0c compatible card
i left out the optical, HDD and audio

then off to the side it says:

shader model 3.0 required.
videocard must have 256MB or higher and contain one of these chipsets:
nvidia GeForce 6800 or better.

it also uses PhysX.

i have it running at ‘highest’ and it looks spectacular.
no slowdowns whatsoever during the large scale scenes.
i am quite positive they are being rendered too, and your wearing sporty ninja shoes.

it’s damn tricky to remember some of the key commands, and it’s Really quick. when i miss a jump my eyelid reflex kicks in.

this is unrelated, but i have a bottleneck in my system somewhere. i think it may be that my vcard uses DVI and all my stuff uses the 15 pin D-SUB VGA, seems to be creating seams on my screens. too many s words together.

oops nm, it is a v-sync issue.

There is a 50% off deal running for Team Fortress 2 now until friday to celebrate the new scout update. The trick for germans to get the uncut versions works too again.

It looks great though i had some work getting the Physx patch installed…
It kept nagging that the update would not run for Steam editions of the game. (While i have the DVD edition)
So i had to hack the installer and extract the patch myself.

It does look great!
i really dig games that create modes of different thinking, in many ways it has the fluidness of real life.

i had the EA download manager installed so it autoupdated itself right after installation, i wasn’t paying attention at the time but was the update you are speaking of a 20 meg file?

It is still bugging me an update is available, but i guess it looks at a registry key (which i did not change ofcourse)

man, the developers need to be contacted and see if they will make an expansion to mirror’s edge with stuff like habitat 67 in montreal or something very similar to it.

along with some of the designs of Norman Foster.

i had a dream back in the late 90’s about habitat '67, then i found out about this on the web quite awhile ago and have wanted to see this ever since. running it in Mirror’s edge would be a very suitable compromise! :)