I dunno but if you are searching for low budget then you`ll probably like to test Near 04 (http://www.esi-pro.com/) - there are of course better ones, but not at this price level.
yes, i have listened to them (820 and 720) and the sound was very good to my taste…
I have myself TAPCO S8 here on the table… and they are good too… but my subjective oppinion is that alesis prolinears where little better… i didnt have a chance to A/B though
Maybe try Behringer Truth B-2031A… though there are hot debates about the lastability of Behringer products in general, most comments about these monitors seem rather positive.
If you have an amplifyer, you might be cheaper off with the 2031P, but there is a risk that an unmatching amplifyer compromises the output.
Well, yeah and this is where it drawed my attention:good for their price… meaning:they sound better than you would expect from monitors in that price-range.
But would they suffice the average mixing and mastering needs?
I know those monitors have a couple of switches and filters to change cutoff frequencies and the like, did you tried those as well?
No, i didnt do proper testing cause i didnt plan to purchase monitors, i already had my Tapcos … but my impression was that they will serve OK for your average mixing/mastering needs… unless you consider yourself some supa dupa professional And if you do then you propably have money to spend on gear and searching, choosing /cheap/ monitors will not be an issue for you in the first place
Tricky business, studio monitors… If you go to a store and check out a few pairs; notice the top of the range Genelecs or Mackies make your music sound really slick and produced - You have to realise you’re going to mix, over-compensating for that…
Many mixes I hear off Mackie 824’s sound really thin and underproduced, simply because the Mackie gives you all that top-end clarity and deep sub, which most monitors won’t, and which you don’t worry about during mixdown…
On the other hand, get a pair which can’t perform and you’re mixing in the dark…
I’m a little skeptical of Behringer and many of the new budget-range monitors, as they sit somewhere between tracking monitors and mixdown monitors… You either don’t get enough clarity in the top-end, or they blow the sound up like a pair of JVC hifi speakers…
I’m using the B2031A’s, and as far as I’m concerned, they’re the best for the price range. They’re pretty good all round monitors which don’t excite the sound too much, and they’re pretty loud as well. Although I don’t have these on proper stands to make any kind of great comparison, when I was in the store, these sounded a lot better than some of the more expensive monitors they demonstrated to me. So as far as i’m concerned, these are a safe bet, however, I’m not so sure about the passive ones.
I ordered myself a pair of Alesis M1 Mk2 Active monitors the other day as they were cheap, hope I don’t regret it oncethey arrive. Currently using my big floorstanders (that were apparently taken out of the BBC in the 70s, but are a little battered and unmarked. Not sure what they are, but one person at Falcon Accustics suggested maybe Cambridge R80s, although they look almost exactly the same of the “Rogers Monitor 7’s” sold through www.remo.nl but with different drivers.) but I seem to be lacking clarity in the top end when using them. Do also use my headphone (Sennheiser HD25) to try and balance that out a little. Hopefully, if they’ve just got a bit of top end clarity, they will help me with the mix-down on that side of things.
I use these myself and I do not regret buying them. They may not be the highest end monitors out there (like Mackie HR824’s or something) but in my opinion they still sound very nice. They certainly opened my eyes (or my ears) to a new level of clarity with my audio.
Mine are about 1/2 metre away each side of my two flatscreens, slightly angled towards me. They have quite a large sweet spot, and are pretty powerful for working at this distance, but they also offer some good clarity at lower volumes too. They also have a switch on the back to compensate for your surroundings, i.e. 0db for freestanding, -2 & -4db for walls, and -6db for corners. Along with gain control, and treble and bass compensation switches. They also come with a nice pair of printed graphs so you can see how they’re matched up! Make sure you make up some nice balanced XLR / Jack leads to use with them, and they wont let you down!
Yeah I was quite surprised to be honest. Nice and clear and surprisingly loud and punchy for the size of them. After a bit of listening you do notice they don’t really have the sub bass extension, but I still have my old floor standing monitors set up so can compensate to an extent.
Must admit my listening position isn’t that great, but I have had a chance to listen to various professional monitors at work, including Mackir HR824s, Harbeth M20/30 and 40s and Rogers LS3/5 and LS5/8s.
Don’t know if you can really compare to a few of those, so lets forget any mid field or larger monitors. I was actually quite surprised when the other week we replaced the HR824s in the Sadie suit with a pair of Harbeth M30 passives with monoblock amps. Not 100% sure of the reasoning, and haven’t managed to get a straight answer out of any of the sound guys who use them day in and day out…
Anyway… I’ve strayed right off topic here! I do have a tendancy to start waffling (in case you hadn’t noticed before.)
Back to the M1s. Was very happily impressed with the clarity in the mids and highs, and on first listening very surprised at the punch of the depth (and with the first few tunes didn’t even notice that the bass extension stops pretty dead around 50Hz)
Do fine that fine tweaking of the sound around the higher end is easier, and my ears do not get fatigued as fast while working. I also use a pair of Sennheiser HD25 headphones, and used to use those a little more often to see if my balancing seemed right as well, but feel a lot more confident with the Alesis turned on.
Am still going through my old, slightly dodgy mixer, using the balanced out for the monitors. Am looking forwards to Turnkey finally getting in my ADC (even if it is just a Bellringer)so I can connect my monitors straight to it, as I really think the frequency response of my mixer is that great, especially in the higher end.
Also made me realise how well my old monitors are actually standing the test of time, when the balance of the sound hardly changes when I switch the Alesis on and they are already running. Been led to believe they came out the BBC so you would hope so, but they must be about 30 years old, and I spoke to Falcon Accustic (who made the crossover network) and they believed at least one of the drivers was not original. Was trying to find out what changes would need to be made to the crossover if I ever desided to recone them with modern equivilents but never got a straight enough answer.
Did you want a short answer? I thought they were a good set of monitors, and was especially surprised for the price of them. The could do with a couple of switches for bass (and possibley top end) adjustments depending on placement, but beggars can’t be choosers