(super) Smooth Scrolling

I’m sure I’d never turn it off. :P

You questioned my ability to gasp your point, thus calling them stupid (not directly, see), and ridiculed my statement basing arguments on irrelevant and idiotic things. My harsh argument was just a reaction to your attack, thus called for. Originally I did not say I don’t like this idea, which I really don’t, and which would have been a valid reason to post since you guys are driving forward with rage such a futile thing of which uselessness you recognize yourself.

Enough from this subject then. I let you rage on about this if you really need something to do.

Dude, your first post in this thread was “eyes don’t move smoothly when reading so no help there.” Just that. That IS idiotic, and if you weren’t trolling then you surely are trolling now.

??? Haha.

A few harmless suggestions where made, then the IDIOTIC REPLIES came in and from then on it’s “whack the monkey”, nothing more. Rage? :lol:

Time spent on this is not time spent on new “xrni”, disk streaming etc.
So -1

for being completely useless waste of dev’s time :lol:

I bet everybody who is pro smooth scroll agree too, still it’s not a reason to -1 the idea, it’s not like anybody is demanding or prioritizing the feature.

BenJam: You don’t understand why we like the idea like so many others, it’s kind of sad, I tried my best to make you guys understand. It’s not because it looks fancy or anything, it’s because it’s easier for us to read the pattern, it’s purely for functional reason, so I wouldn’t say a useless waste of time.

Rubber: I’m not gonna waste more time on you. If you had read the entire thread, then you would have understood that most of my initial reply to “you” was not really directed at you specifically, you were just part of a bunch of ignorants.

I give up trying to make people understand our point of view, they either can’t or don’t want to understand us.

I’m not for nor against the idea, however i can’t see the point of it. but that by no means it’s not useful.
I just expressed my opinion that i think other things, in my opinion could be more useful to spend time developing.

All right, I interpretted -1 as you were against the feature.

I understand many don’t see the point either, basically the point is it will be easier to track and read the text everywhere in the pattern, but mainly what notes is coming up below the cursor.

Anyway we agree, there’s a bunch of stuff worth developing more.

+1 if it’s easy to implement & optional (of course). Wasn’t Renoise based on a gaming engine graphically (direct-x)? Than, maybe it is not to hard to achieve for the devs…

but, in the end…sometimes you have to close your eyes and listen to what is happening musically :)

Who knows if Renoise will ever get to a point where others are chipping in dev work here and there? Maybe some feature that you now diss as “waste of dev time” could at some point pop up at no cost? Let’s say, a super duper fantastic scope section (which is kinda sadly neglected if you ask me). Someone might have some skills for that but none for anything else, or no interest.

Granted, that is highly hypothetical. But: why can’t one discuss HOW a feature would ideally be implemented in peace before a bunch of people get their knickers in a twist because they’re scared that just discussing something could make the devs drop everything they’re currently doing??? Ridiculous, hot air and nothing more.

as the decision, if feature x or y get’s implemented or not, is also based on the degree of popular demand for the respective suggestion, it should be comprehensible that every proposal ought allow pro and contra opinions.
you cannot expect that everyone will naturally agree for what you think would be cool and concurrently claim the right to instantly start with the “how to implement” matter of discussion.

after all this is not the “rent-a-taktik” subforum. ;)

but even though i don’t see the real point personally, it would at least be interesting to witness it once, so i wouldn’t complain if the smooth scrolling would suddenly be there as an optional feature.

I personally dislike smooth scrolling.
But I also feel it would generally hinder the the responsiveness of visual rhythmic feedback. When lines “lock” to beats, my eyes more easily stay in time with music.
And for the record, Renoise does not give me a headache to use for hours at a time.

Because of these things, I’m disinterested in how smooth scrolling would be implemented. aka -1

Bullshit! :lol: Pro and contra arguments. ARGUMENTS! Remember that word and read through the thread again.

Dude, that is my point exactly, so spare my your condescending smilies. I wanna talk about features with people who talk about features, without fending off trolls who claim that would take time away from less important stuff… over and over again.

Plus: There is a difference between proposing to change something for everybody and proposing something new and optional. It’s like the arranger. People that “don’t need an arranger” have NO business in these discussions, period. IMHO.

You assume that it’s necessary first to agree or disagree? That is silly, and I think know that. Usually we talk about stuff, the devs do whatever they please - and we’re generally glad they do.

By talking about implementation I am not quietly assuming consent like you claim I am - I simply quietly assume that consent or dissent is never required instantly, and usually not required at all!

There is a difference between

“smooth scrolling”,

“should smooth scrolling be implemented ASAP” and

“should all users be forced to use smooth scrolling and puke their guts out”

I’m not against the criticism (how could I be??? HAHA!), but it’s like slashdot (the nice theoretical one, not the website): mod up, not down. Modding down is for outright false or destructive things, otherwise modding up alone makes sure the best stuff (in this case, the features wanted by most) float to the top. Generally, disinterest is interested by not posting, you see… everything else just clogs the pipes.

“I don’t care LOLOL” is for YouTube and should stay there.

Yet another post wasted on stating the perfectly obvious.

Johann, i was not aware that i was not allowed to express my opinions here without being called a troll etc. I think you need to count to 10 or something.

I can’t help to think that this entire discussion is taking time away from more important things… the least of which is Taktik’s time.

Guess I keep trying to explain as some still seem oblivious why it’s useful for others, they think they know but they really don’t, some just type in their own thoughts without paying attention to why and what issue it fixes for others, that’s what has been bugging me. I realize it’s hard to understand, but some aren’t even trying, and if you’re one of them you’re probably thinking “WTF is he on about now?!” :huh:

All right enough said, time to make a banana smoothie
Peace, love & no understanding. Ignorance is bliss :yeah:

I think I would end up using it quite a bit more often than not, and I personally think that it would be easier for some newbies to use if the OPTION was there.

I think it would be fantastic. To those that don’t think so, that’s ok, it’s only an option, nobody would be forcing you to use it.

Something to consider about this option is that it may look somewhat messed-up for those who have vsync hard-set as off in their video card settings. If there was some way to force vsync to be be on when this option was used, that would be great, but I don’t know if there’s a way to do that.


that’s a lot of emotion for such a negligible topic. kudos for that.
as i just realized that you’re too much of a clever person to continue any kind of discussion with me, i will restrict myself to voicing one last well-intentioned hint:

if you cannot deal with people posting opinions that do not suit your personal preference or the intimate fantasy of your own, then every 2nd best behavioral psychologist will most probably suggest to simply refrain from posting suggestions generally.
it will save your nerves on the one and the time of the sane minds taking part in this forum on the other hand.

Johann is reacting to those who are saying “I wouldn’t use it, so it’s a stupid idea. -1 -1 -1 -1” garbage. If some people wouldn’t use it, that’s fine, there are tons of options in Renoise that some people use and other people don’t use. Saying it’s a stupid idea and a waste of time simply because it isn’t something that some people would use is pretty much trolling in a thread.

Some people have basically said “I wouldn’t use that option”. Those posts are fine. It’s when people add onto that that they think it’s a stupid idea BECAUSE they wouldn’t use it is what is pissing people off, and with good reason. If there was an option that you really think would be cool that others wouldn’t use and they were stating that your idea was stupid because they wouldn’t use it, it would probably make you emotional too.

I can relate with those who are getting emotional about it because I think it would be a cool idea. I scroll with my eyes to see what’s coming up when a song is playing, and that would be much easier to do if it was scrolling smoothly. I certainly don’t think it should be something forced onto people, nor do I even think it should be on as default when Renoise is first installed. I just think it would be cool if it was an option.

What emotion? I’m a writer first and foremost. I explained stuff to you in great detail, acknowledge that or don’t, not my concern really. But simply yet another implication instead of responding to my reply to the first set of implications? Meh.

You said that before, I replied to it (in short, but you just skipped over that and repeat…gah Do you seriously think I go nuts whenever posts something I don’t agree with??? :lol:

What do letters mean? I will now sit here totally unmoved, and press shift and 1!!!

Seems excited - isn’t.

It is called internet!

Seriously though, when I say something and something replies to me with something I consider bullshit, I feel free to point that out. When people then get an attitude it’s Hammer Time. Rubber Legs saying to garf “you don’t need to come here to troll” DIDN’T EVEN RAISE YOUR FUCKING EYEBROW? If not, then don’t even talk to me, seriously — I don’t think I ever could make you understand.

And hey, I know my “style” is not very sympathic, that is not the goal. The goal is to not feel covered in slime of intellectual lack of integrity, to not have spineless people too near to me - and trust me, I reach it usually. It does work, otherwise I wouldn’t do it :lol:

No, It would save my time and the nerves of those “sane minds” (I am in AWE). It doesn’t cost me nerves to write, even to rant ultra aggressively, you wish it would!

It actually costs me nerves to sit silently when someone posts bullshit in direct reply to me - so I don’t, deal with that.