The connection between 'chiptune' and fascism?

Chiptune, chiptune, über alles!

Turn off your screens and go and read a book, or look at trees and birds ffs. The internet isn’t the world.


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So back to the app I posted above, install it you all, and tell me your discoveries.

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By the way, with “pyramid” I didn’t mean any fancy organisation sceme guided by ominous hidden heads or so. I do not like interpreting with uncertain facts, and I’m not so much into conspiracy theories because of that. I just meant the fact, that in any human society apart from some indigenous, there seems to be a certain distribution of wealth, access to ressources and knowledge, and general amount of everyday suffering, that is like a pyramid - with a few people in the top zone, that are rich, and own and control vital aspects of the whole society, through different levels of workers with rising amount of people depending on their life situation, up to a large amount of those who could be considered the bottom or even outside of the base of the pyramid. Ofc it is not always pyramid shaped, could also be like a bottle, etc. All the people of course don’t really choose deliberately, they get into their position by birth into a certain situation, and might expose struggle in the ways of society that could move them up, or failing to cope with society, which would let one slide down. I mean noone chooses what chances is given to him, when he is born into some level.

@brinemeister, you seem to like looking at things, trying to understand how they are composed, and you try to do so with whole society. Being aware of things is a good thing, but you sound so full of scorn and resentful. That is not helpful to the problem… I also think a certain kind of people messes with the way world is, making it a very hard place to be. But in struggling with that a negative mind will just drag you further down. I mean cmon, most of us still have a roof over their heads and enough to eat, and looking by how hard nature normally works, this is like a miracle. Also try to see the people who are not like those whom you criticise for their lack of fairness. We’re all in the same boat. We don’t shift weights of action in proper ways by being negative, even towards people who don’t like to restrain themselves with fairness. But we do shift weights by making all other people strong! And having to cope with hardship can sometimes be considered ill fate, but sometimes also can be a chance by forcing you to find ways to cope with the problems in creative ways, growing upon yourself and in abilities. Be aware not the whole world is made out of bullies, and who really want can still try to take a leap and move to some small island full of hippies somewhere. Even moving to a rural area can sometimes be a great step to evade any stress that comes with places where people mess with each other in the hard ways that are possible with being a human.

Nice you are trying to objectify your statement. Still, I think you are wrong in some really important details, which again makes your statement a bit of conspiracy: Today the vast majority actually has access to mostly all important knowledge, mainly thru internet or education. The really poor, living in slums may have not. But it is not true for almost all in the western hemisphere. And even if your have your harddrive full of the most important knowledge of the world, you still can be dumb. Which brings me to the most important aspect, which is the psychological view. If you never really learned how to learn for yourself, let’s say in the first 10 years of your life, because your circumstances were pretty bad, chances are high, that you will never learn it, or even refuse to learn. Since learning deep, complicated stuff is tough, and requires time and inner calm, and if you are not trained, it produces pain. It is like doing extremely hard muscle training. And if you stop, you will slowly loose that ability, too.

Then there may are hidden organisations in the upper caste, but the major motor for the extreme inequality is the capitalistic system itself, of course, with its absurd inner laws like if you have a lot of money, it is pretty easy to get even more, but if you have no money, it is extremely hard to get even some money. This even is like an exponential curve, and will cause a concentration of all money to a handful of “familien unternehmen” in the near future. You can work as hard as you want, you won’t beat that mechanism of this unfair system. So there is no need for conspiracy organisations at all, the most of them are viewable in public, they just use propaganda language to make you believe they were important for your safety and life. Like NATO, IWF, Transatlantik Bridge, Wallstreet, etc. (of course also non western organisations). These all basically are there to cement the current power structure, but are mostly very anti-democratic.

What I mean is, try to look on your table and look what is exactly there, instead searching under the cupboard. Then you actually had a chance to actually change something.

When a tall gentleman of a think tank makes a public speech, it sounds like a conspiracy theory

Well, this seems to be true. Having polish roots, I can approve that the U.S. is interested in this kind of anti democratic Polish leadership. And Poland now gets most gas from U.S. fracking. It is pretty frightening that huge parts of the U.S. government seem to see military actions as a economical tool, including nuclear weapons. That indeed is extremely cynical and anti-democratic and of course extremely dumb. As a Russian, I would feel pretty threatened by the U.S. On the other hand, the reaction of Russia is not any better, it is the same idiocy of retarded old men. None country should have any kind of nuclear weapons. Did you see that the U.S. just opened a new super computer, which they use to calculate nuclear weapon development? These responsible people are really the scum of the humanity.

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I like MG he is a nice guy,very open-minded person.

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Chiptune, as well as every other purely instrumental music, has no ties to political opinions at all.

Music with singers might have. Music alone can’t have. Music is an universal language that has no words for “left” or “right”.

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I think the Krümmlmonstaa invented Chiptunez.

Naja, du solltest dich vielleicht schon einmal informieren, das sind Infos, die du bei zeit-online oder spiegel selbst nachlesen kannst. In Deutschland werden demnächst wieder amerikanische nukleare Mittelstreckenraketen stationiert, nachdem der Sperrvertrag mit Russland aufgekündigt wurde. In Polen, Rumänien, der Türkei und vermutlich fast allen anderen osteuropäischen Staaten ist der amerikanische nukleare Abwehrschild installiert (der nach neuen News aber auch Atomsprengköpfe transportieren kann), das vermeintlich gegen Iran installiert wurde seit George W. Bush, sowie auch eine Menge an amerikanischen nuklearen Raketen neuster Generation. Das selbe Spiel in Japan, Süd Korea, Taiwan. Insofern zeigt die Grafik im Film in etwa genau das, was auch passiert ist. Und ganz offensichtlich möchte Trump Europa möglichst spalten, siehe auch seine Gratulation zum Brexit. Leider steckt unsere Regierung tief im Arsch der USA, und spielt brav den Untergebenen, mit amerikanischen Stützpunkten auf deutschem Boden. Dabei erhöhen die amerikanischen Nuklearwaffen auf deutschem Boden die Gefahr, bei einem Krieg als Erstschlagziel zu dienen, extrem. Die nutzen den Deutschen also gar nichts, stattdessen machen sie uns zu Kanonenfutter. Insofern kann man auch leicht annehmen, dass unsere Regierung nicht in unserem Interesse aufgrund von “legaler” Korruption und Seilschaften handelt. Die Polen haben traditionell eine (berechtigte) Abneigung gegen Russland, nach ca. 50 Jahren Ostblockherrschaft. Allerdings schürt der kleine Wichtel geradezu den Russenhass, denn ein Feind eint, uralte Politikstrategie.

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Bin nich so mit verschwörungstherien und aluhutzz unterwegs (sieh diesen threat) auch wenn die sachn die Du geschriebn hast schoo war sind. Abern kann ick det allet ooch nich ändern - also warum deshalb verückt machn.

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There is no such thing tbh, it’s mostly fear mongering done by mainstream media tbh, a whole lot of bulls if you ask me.