The envelope and it's quirks

any news regarding this topic? :stuck_out_tongue:

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Maybe already in workz may not - we do not know this but I have trust it might be in work for us.

chekk TopTen tread if you bord and wanna contribute sumething.


contribute to whole mess -ayyy? :smiley:


Here’s another bump
It is great that we have tension curves , but the otjher issues are still present , in all envelopes modes .
As soon as there is a slight attack fade in ( 5ms ) the modulation amount is lowered .

I really want to bring this under the attention again .
It’ so frustrating when using a short attack -decay time (in combi) and a full mulitplier amount .
The maximum stage is never reached , the decay or attack stage needs be to be longer
This is ot just for the filter (also ringmod etc…) it’s an envelope issue and really hope it gets fixed


Is there any news on this , it’s so frustrating that a small attack stage f…cks up the initial level ( it can even be as low as just moving the fader without any decimal changes )
Just give us some acccurate attack stages that have no problem with small values ,pretty please
They really deserve it because some of the filters still sound verry good