The Metal Thread

Was reminded of this vicious belter the other day:

Absolutely amazing imo.

Oof… only heard a couple of pretty good live tracks from these guys back in 2003. Guess I should go back and check out their other stuff.


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There were a lot of DEP inspired bands, but not many of them seemed to be having as much fun as The Human Timebomb, even if their vocals sounded like a rabbit stuck in a Tesco bag.

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I can’t believe this ^ is 20 years old now. That’s kind of terrifying

Right, what’s up first on this label sampler… Slugdge? Haha, OK I got this… no, hang on, wtf…

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I used to think Author And Punisher was a wee bit one dimensional in the past but this album is fantastic and now I can’t get enough.

I see what they’re trying to do there. They’re not as good as CoB was, but the spirit is definitely there at least!

Passionate execution raises good to great.

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:metal: :angry: :fire:


A few of the riffs remind me of other bands, but goddamn does this come together well.


Damn, I’m getting some hints of both Gaza and Defeated Sanity here. Interesting sound!

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Not as energetic as the previous entries in the list, but I’ve been listening a ton to this EP again:

To finish off your album, sometimes you just need a noise that goes MWEOAURNG!

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Went back through the DEP catalogue. After Calculating Infinity it’s all over the place, just like their ambitions. When I Lost My Bet is still the best song, but this is up there too.

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(sub)Genres are getting blurrier and blurrier these days

uhhh, wait… why is this here?