The Metal Thread

Can’t get enough of the Bogg!


There’s only one band I can hear 24/7, and that’s Type O Negative:

I would call it Goth Rock rather than Metal, but according to Discogs it’s Gothic Metal.

But I also really appreciate oldschool style stuff like this:

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I don’t normally slag off bands, but I’ve never understood Scarve’s insistence on Capsized being the song to attract folks to the Lumiferous album, since it sucks. They could’ve used Crustscraper which is one of the best songs I’ve ever fucking heard.

The Slipknot title you post is not a beast of mixing…But it’s a beast of performance

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and a classic:


That Igorrr ft. Goerge Fisher slaps ridiculously hard!

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Cosmic Void Ritual - Gateways Through Septic Flesh ( Full ) - YouTube

Some great cavernous death metal


wow pretty fascinating! skimmed through it and doesn’t sound half bad. I’m curious, does the AI also do the mixing and stuff or is it just generating the music only. Stupid question, I know, but too lazy to look it up, and that would be nuts if it could do all that.

Sometimes checking an album out cos of the cover art leads to an awesome find.


great track, although the mix sounds like it needs some work, to my ears

Recently been solely listening to thrash again and this is probably one of the best albums I’ve heard in donkey’s years.

Blackened - Voices From The Void

These two also butter my croissant at the mo and all though.

Holycide - Fist To Face

Mindtaker - Toxic War

I know where you’re coming from, but the sound they got is exactly what they wanted: something more natural by playing together live.

An extreme effort has been put to find a way to record the most natural, dynamic and tridimensional sound possible. For this reason, instead of focusing on the mixing and post-production phase, an insane amount of attention has been paid studying how to capture the best sound since the very beginning. The maniacal assembly and calibration of the audio chain allowed to nearly eliminate the use of equalizers and dynamic compressors.

Here’s something created with the same mentality. The producer made them record everything live as a band.

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Never understood why Converge didn’t push this. It’s way better than all of their typical mid-album songs.

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Yeah, everyone’s heard that other song, but this was the best one.

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Haiduk - Sea of Fire