In the tradition Byte-Smasher given us, here my opinion. you may not care, but it’s fun to discuss 
I give the album 4/5
Invaders must die
For me, the downloadable single, was a very strange introduction to the ‘new Prodigy’.
But it grew on me, and now I think of it, as not classic, but very likeable.
I really dig this song! this is really the prodigy sound that I wanted to expect after Fat of the land.
Maybe, I still have to hear this track some more, I don’t seem to see the big picture here.
nice strings and synth tracks like jilted and experience, but it feels like the beat is to “made to kick”
should be quicker like the heat (the energy) or hyperspeed maybe.
Looks like some sounds that where not good enough for 'World’s on fire"
It surely has good elements, by far not the best on the album.
Take me to the Hospital
Now this is a track that shows some serious inspirations!
great thing with the filtered vocoder in the beginning, not following the fast track beat trend on the singles.
yes Liam can still make booming slower beats (i loved Poison for that).
Nice use of the ambulance sound. This is good!
Warrior’s Dance
Is this track so epic as the intro suggests?
A vocal sample from plus staples?
ok nice oldskool beat kicks in!
Not bad, but the tiny introduction in the end of the high pitched right panned synth just doesn’t justify this track being longer as 4 minutes.
Run with the wolves
Nice brakes in this one, I’m not font of the melody here, but it’s not bad. at all
only thing (not particular this track) is, with fat of the land, Liam showed you can make an enegized beat
with very few kicks (firestarter, Smack my Bitch up). I don’t seem to get that on this album.
Omen Reprise
It’s an album format that I can understand. one track must be a ballad (well sort of, in this case:))
but this one is so hollow in comparison with tracks like Weather experience or 3 kilos.
World’s on Fire
I like this one a lot! Just like Byte, I have to make some comparisments with the live version:
First I thought winamp was jamming because of the repeats that come in when the weird aahhahaha sample kicks in.
I mis that subtile pause when the old outlander sample comes in.
luckely I pre-ordered the version with the DVD,
Ok this is one of those tracks you have to hear some more.
It’s really a party raiser, this will be kicking hard with live shows.
Stand Up
After many tries to listen to this one … Just make sure you had enough booze or other things you prefer if you come along this track.