Tracking As A Job

Ootini! Hillarious nick. This is after the sounds the jawas in star wars? :) sorry for off topic.

Ah! Thanks for the heads up. I hope Janne got something out of it in the end.

I’ve been living off Renoise for years now doing games/corporate videos/production. Now I’m transitioning more into the “rock band” world, but I still use Renoise for that as well! My band is actually close to signing a deal with Atlantic, so hopefully in a year or two we’ll have our first (?) major label Renoise release… You can rest assured I will be pimping the crap out of it in every interview, as well!


What’s your bands name? You have a link? I would LOVE to hear this =D

Of course! It’s called SPEAK: SPEAK | Listen and Stream Free Music, Albums, New Releases, Photos, Videos

The recordings on the MySpace weren’t mixed in Renoise (although many of the elements were created there), but our future projects are looking like they’ll be done entirely inside Renoise. Looking forward to not having to shuttle crap back and forth ;)


Depeche Mode uses Renoise! (Live, Logic and something more)

yeah1! jawas be gittin all the ladiez.

Maybe now with Lua integration we can make renoise function as a spreadsheet or as a database banking app… or maybe not.

I was thinking, why so many of us are worried about things like this? Like: who makes money with trackers?
If you go to Ableton Live forums, a “pro” & “established” DAW, the most part of the users dont support themselves making music either.
Renoise is not a standard and the most popular DAW, but is very very capable.
Besides that, if you hear, for example, Squarepusher or Aphex twin music (two very famous artists) Renoise is perfect to do that.

I should have titled the thread “Musicmaking as a job”… I’m simply looking for ways to monetize what I love doing with my time ;)

Keep doing it!!! Music is number one. Then…
The money will roll right in! hehehe

wow. I didn’t know that song. thanks.

You’re welcome. Is a little known song, a cover.
Nirvana! So many good memories. :yeah: :guitar: :drummer: