Lol, advice to seek care when not alright…yeah, being psychotic definately ISNT alright. Unless there’s different understanding between us. OK some people have light problems and would just need a 4 month break somewhere nice with someone to talk with, would be better than the bad medicine everyone gets here. But hard psychosis isn’t some silly LSD trip with flowers and such. At least seldom. Its rather like an amanita or brugmansia death trip, without any awareness of it, and big time suffering and pain, destroying everything in your life. I know the medication (even the modern) isn’t alright, too, but better than dying innerly every day again and again. I’ve seen the hard cases, life destroyed, before treatment, some get fine again after being treated and would be dead or in custody without. Where I live (germany) it is kind of hit and miss game, and you can have bad luck when in trouble and having to meet conservative bad asshole doctors and/or judges, i.e. when you cause enough trouble because out of your mind. It sucks, yeah.
And I second, even soft stuff like MJ can have its downsides, triggering shizo is one possible thing, also some people can loose their motivation, concentration and short term memory temporarily when overdoing pot, making them prone to live the life of a potato bag without any creative potential left. Many people seem to be able to smoke as much as they like and just live a high life without too many problems. I envy those! Other than that I’m an advocate of legalisation worldwide myself. Make me judge music with bass feel in head and chest when indica or big reverb in head when sativa, why not, I wouldn’t produce in those states though, I just get too lazy and keep getting strong laughing attacks when someting in the mix sounds close to something very silly.
And then again…meditation(!) can also trigger shizo episodes like MJ, and the worst psychotics I’ve seen had it triggered by strong alcohol abuse(!), absolute incurable loss of rationality. I wouldn’t want to ban alcohol or meditation (bwuhahaha) because of this, man, or suggest anyone to go into a closed ward if feeling slightly funny because of those…I just want people to take a little care in general.
And the soft side: many psychotics of the less severe kind have one or another spleen of painting and writing their strange ideas, or doing it to distract themselves from their pain, which can be quite fascinating. I wonder if there are shizos out there driving their demons and delusion into electronic music. Maybe many survivors that came back to normal and express what they’ve witnessed. It can be the real big cinema, so real, with yourself in the leading role against your will.