Wavetable LFO device

I’ve seen this video showing it on Bitwig…it’s absolutely SICK!!! :partying_face:

P.S. I mean the device, not examples in video…although it’s nice too :upside_down_face:

Would love a bevy of additional modulation sources in Renoise, especially something like this.

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oh yeah. how all this can diversify the process!


signal follower → hydra → (dsp/vst) parameters works right now for controlling stuff using waveforms.

You could also do something similar with multiple lfos feeding into the meta mixer to a hydra or whatever mod destination.

The formula device can also yield complex modulation

Honestly, I didn’t find the video particularly inspiring, although to be fair I didn’t watch it all the way through. Using Wavetables as a modulation source still only outputs a single value at a given moment in time, so it seems like it would be easy enough to emulate this kind of behavior through other means. But perhaps I’m not seeing the full potential here

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Can you do something like using modulation between wave table though?
Like LFO between n-number of waveforms…you know like in those famous wavetable synths…Serum and stuff.

Maybe i don’t know how.

This is not the same as having intuitive native device, but you can yield some cool stuff with single waveform too…unless…
I guess you can technically use wabetable synth and control it’s automation parameters, then use this track as modulation source into signal follower?

Yes, by controlling the weight parameters of the meta mixer, you could “morph” between 3 different lfo (or other modulation) sources.

You could also use a native cross-fading wavetable instrument at low pitch with a signal follower to achieve a similar result.

Obviously, the bitwig device is easier, but in my experience renoise is usually full of fairly functional work-arounds for all kinds of situations.

If I have some time this week, I’ll see if I can put together a device chain preset that offers some of this functionality. If so, I’ll share it here

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That would be awesome! :+1:

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The easiest is to use a formula device.
I also experimented with this long time ago.
I converted the wavetable to lua tables with values ​​and in the “formula” device I simply changed these tables and the speed at which the values ​​poured into the output. But it doesn’t seem like anything special to me. I prefer working with chaotic attractors.


With the formula device? Any chance you could post some examples?

Are chaotic attractors like, fractal basins of attraction? I.e. do they eventually converge on a single value?

You’ve got me curious :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Here’s a doofer that uses the meta mixer and lfos to achieve a 3 frame morphing lfo “wavetable”

the rate control syncs the lfos to 128, 64, 32, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1 LPC

“morph” morphs between the 3 LFO shapes. by default they are set to sin, saw, and square, but you can make them into custom shapes as you like.

Being a doofer, the limitation is that destination parameters for modulation must be in devices inside the doofer. so drop the intended dsp inside the doofer and point the “DEST” hydra to the appropriate parameter. If you have a macro control or macro bridge doofer, you can drop this inside the doofer to have control over macro value, thus modulating parameters within instrument modulation sets.

I may make a dsp chain version too, as those have more versatility in XRNI use, as hydra destinations can point to other fx chains outside of their own

LFO WAVETABLE.xrdp (32.0 KB)

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That’s impressive :drummer:
Although it’s technically limited to 9 frames, instead of 256…and maybe not as sexy as visual wavetables waterfall, but still, it’s all native :smiley:

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And here is the fx chain version:
3 LFO WAVETABLE.xrnt (39.3 KB)
Can be saved as an fx chain preset and recalled into any xrni (in the fx section) or into a track.

The advantage here is that you can point the destination parameter control hydra “DEST>>” wherever you want within the xrni if you’re using it in the fx section, or across tracks if you’re using it in the mixer section.

Thanks. It’s just 3 frames (and intermediary states), but for most modulation purposes I think that should be plenty sufficient for morphing variation.

I’m curious to see if I actually end up using this lol

Thanks for the idea :slight_smile:

You could also change the shape of the “weight” lfo curves to yield different blending behavior between the 3 frames if you want

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Judging by your Super sane EP - i’m pretty sure you’ll figure something out :alien:
Modulation sources can be a lot of fun, when it’s cooked right way! :pinched_fingers:

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haha, thanks bruh! and yes, modulation is good times always :grin:

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As soon as I get home, I’ll throw something in.
I’ll take a look at those fractal basins again :slight_smile:
Somewhere I might have a tool that I used to create automation using attractors.
I have to find it though :slight_smile: I wrote about it here.


Ah yes, that does ring a bell. The chaotic attractors tool seems familiar… Perhaps you shared it already? I’ll have to scour my tools and see if it’s hiding there. But maybe you only shared the screenshot. In any case, it’s intriguing!

That’s possible too :slight_smile:
I think I’ll have more on my disks somewhere, I’ll have to sit down and look it all up sometime.
However, here’s a small sample of the BurkeShaw attractor for the “Formula” device.
It uses logarithmic scaling. A, B, C are inputs for the initial values. mDT is delta time. the smaller the faster.
You can also slow it down with the “time” modulo. Change the outputs as you like :slight_smile:
xout, yout, zout are scaled outputs from the attractor. They should be 0…1.
Ugh I hate writing scripts in that formula pidi editor that has wordwrap :slight_smile:
Chaos-BurkeShaw.xrdp (3.3 KB)

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Sweet. Looking forward to checking this out


The script doesn’t work when you drag and drop only.
It has to be imported.

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