Why do I want to PLAY anything that is humanly impossible to PLAY ie 128th notes and so on in complex IDM and jungle music?
Renoise is a tool, dare I say it (and other trackers) are instruments themselves. They were the first pieces of music software. It’s an old way of doing things, going back to 1987. People still use shitty 16 step Moog and Arp modular sequencers. Do I whine about their limitations? No. Most of those guys will tell you the limitations give it a certain “sound” other things don’t. Like hip-hop heads using outdated 12 bit MPC and EMU samplers, etc.
I have Live, actually most of the time I rewire Renoise into Live and record Renoise into it. Editing and recording MIDI is easier in Live, but Renoise is a superior step sequencer by leaps and bounds for those who know how to utilize it.
It’s like trying to compare using a socket vs a flat head for a screw. Some screws have both a socket and flat head end, some have just a flat head end, and some just a socket end. All with equal benefits and drawbacks for the application.
bring bpm down, record impossible, adjust bpm to taste, done.
12 bit mpc? it’s not about 12bit rather the AD/DA and sweet distortion and panning > altogether, rather than sp1200/sp12 which had very specific sound. Don’t teach me about history, this is not place and time for that.
“limitation” in terms of sequencing doesn’t give anything specific sound to it, rather it’s limitation of headroom > overdrive > AD converters which can color sound. it’s not about “bitness” at all, there are several aspects which you have to consider. Congrats, should we now elaborate about ASR-10?
i use mpc mostly and editing step sequences within the lcd screen so i’m used to it A LOT, and i get your point. Just because it’s tedious/outdated doesn’t mean it’s not possible. There are ways, it depends on how dedicated you are to your goal.
sorry for my interruption, i will try not to involve, but i’m having hard time obviously
That makes sense. IMO if you’re using MPC for drums it’s a bit redundant.
Try changing the LPB in Renoise to 16 or 32 with a pattern size of 512 and a quantize of 2 and toy around with the sequencing there, perhaps plug your MPC into it. It’s very very close, especially with Global Groove on.
One thing renoise(trackers in general) is “huge” for me is coming from music sheets, notation, orchestration, counterpoint etc… - is that when i look at pattern sequencer i can relate to it like i’m watching to a score sheet, so it’s already like a “home” to me. I can see all parts, when what happens, “write it” (with keyboard ofc not pen :D) like i would do in sheets. It just feels natural.
way offtopic: (delete if it is not appropriate)
i use mpc mostly standalone nowadays to practice finger-drumming, while renoise for all sound design/composing. - which i intend to do for serious live finger-drumming sessions because of its sampler capabilities
well yes if you are thinking logical in terms of capabilities of every other sampler, but from my view of simple drums editing, it’s more than enough, linking pads, assignign same slice to few pads, offset few ms for new hit, it’s perfect within my expectetions overall
Well any form of crazy time signature is doable per track, so if you want to make indian music or just simply mess up with the brain of your listener, Renoise can what every other can’t
Actually no, you can achieve polymeters (that’s what you are talking about), but not polyrythm.
With polymeters, beats will always land on 4th (so to speak), while with polyrythm you have beats landing on a different place for each instruments (1/13th, 1/4th, 1/21th (or whatever you like)). Making a weird drunken pattern
if you don’t quantize clip launch/play, you could actually achieve polyrhytm, beside global tempo setting
it’s “Live” - the daw, tho.
Technically - No,
Musically - Yes (which is your goal)
achievable - maybe not from pure technical standpoint, but there is way.
It’s very different to be able to have perfectly placed polyrhythms with a text box
and painstakingly positioning notes manually. Which is close to impossible for very complex rhythms (please give me an example of a 23/8 hat over a 8/8 snare)
text box? what are you talking about?
you should take 2 clips one should be 4/4 and other 23/8 and play them together and what’s the issue here?
you can individually edit clip length, time etc if you didn’t know?
It would be nice to provide some examples of this.A Renoise project file would be good for me and others that can’t understand without a visual feedback.Thanks.