I rendered the tracks which had many plugins on it to a wave file with ‘render song’ and opened them on a track and deleted the original with the plugins.
Saves a lot of cpu and works great for further processing.
But freeze track would be nice offcourse, but this workaround works too.
“VST2 is not free and open source software, and Steinberg, the copyright owner of the VST2 code, is no longer making licenses available to developers”
I read that on the page for the “Surge” Synth vst. They are also no longer supporting vst2.
I really wish the instrument editor could support micro tuning.i know there’s a tool that kind of does this but it just doesn’t really cut it and hand tuning each note of every instrument is wayyyyy too much work
Here’s what would warrant an instant fresh license purchase from me:
The ability to “scale” the pattern without affecting the real timing of the notes.
Let me explain:
When I record something with my MIDI keyboard, I don’t want to be limited to any pre-set tempo. I want to get the melody or rhythm out from my brain exactly as I feel like.
Now doing that will obviously make my notes not match with a pattern. So I would like there to be a mode in which what I played has the exact original timing while I scale a pattern and the BPM to make what I played fit a single pattern perfectly.
Let me just play my notes and make them match a BPM/pattern afterwards.
I want to say that Renoise doesn’t have these yet. But maybe a peak volume value indicator like in Live…? One that is able to be reset at will. This information can, of course, be acquired via external plugins (or possibly tools). But possible a nice feature to be had native (if it’s not already available through a current effect)
And maybe scalable volume meters for tracks in Mixer window. That way we can get a cleaner reading of the volume meters.
Not necessarily groundbreaking. But might be of use to some.
Functionality and keyboard shortcuts to shift lines within a track (or a selection) up or down, rotating lines that would overflow back through the other end of the track or selection.
Think the assembly language ROL and ROR instructions but ROU and ROD instead.