What do 3.3 really needs…

Importing tracks from other songs would be nice. Just open the zipped structure of the renoise xrns, search for your track name and open it in your current song, with pattern data, sample and vst plugins please :slight_smile: That way I could have a lot of standardized kickdrum patterns and so on. Or use a hihat from another track. Awesome!

This feature is not what Renoise needs right now, but what Renoise deserves.

[edit] only the pattern data would be sufficient, I can already save a device chain and load a sample. [/edit]


is it coming yet?


yeah it’ coming, only taktik and the team knows when exactly. I would expect them to do beta/alpha testing right now.

Where is Taktik? I hope he is fine…?

I thought 2 days ago that it would be damn fun to be able to trigger small functions in the grid to interact with parameters…
Sometimes it’s painfull to write all parameters or draw envelopes when juste writing (or reusing) a small thing could do the trick…
That could work nearly out of the box with the lua api if it was possible to bind functions with pattern actions (a new letter -> function with one parameter)… maybe the lua api should have some little add to get informations about the position in the song, but not so much.

So why bother requesting new features for 3.3. then :slight_smile:

yeah there is no point now
i feel if its nearly here

He is offline to bugfixing the 3.3 all day and night :wink:

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Not sure if this has been requested before, but I’d love it if there was a way to collapse a section in the pattern sequencer. This would cause it to be skipped during playback or rendering, and would be a quick way to render shorter versions of songs without having to destructively edit parts out.

Hopefully I’m explaining that in a way that makes sense. I think it would be useful.


If he was abducted by aliens no 3.3 :frowning:

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Do everyone Stalking his Profile? :smiley:

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you assume this or know this? :slight_smile:

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It is likely true. TBH, nobody expected, “apocalypse 2020,” and everybody has had a complicated year…

We have 3.2… obviously 3.3 is, “just around the corner.” It always gets quiet like this before the next release…

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Really need to update GUI rendering, Mac OS X straggle to do it, everything became slow and unresponsive.

Don’t have this experience on catalina on a late 2013 macbook pro

We need a sample BeatSync timing option for “Original sample length”, so we can quickly/easily use the “Repitch”, “Percussion”, and “Texture” time-stretching algorithms to pitch-shift samples, without affecting the sample’s original playback speed :smiley:
This does seem extremely quick/easy to implement, to the extent that I wonder if maybe it’s already in Renoise and I’m just not finding it?

Having this option would help with multiple things, including using Renoise to learn covers by ear; by being able to pitch-shift samples without having to make a bunch of 512-line-long patterns to playback the whole sample/song. :+1:

Being able to time-stretch based on a percentage value of the original sample length would be helpful for this as well :smiley:

renoise beatsync

I currently use Harmor in resynthesis mode to pitch-shift/time-stretch songs for learning by ear (I am aware of alternatives), but if Renoise could just add this one feature, it would easily be my go-to for this purpose (and be way quicker to setup/easier on CPU performance compared to Harmor). It would be a useful feature in composing as well.


Yep, unbelievable that wasn’t in the last update, so maybe I’m just dumb & unable to find out how to do it ?

A plan for MIDI 2.0, particularly interesting for a UI is the security aspect surrounding
the features that allow for inter-networked collaboration or web-midi type concepts
included in the new standard. Perhaps there are many implementation possibilities
worth braninstorming over in this space.

Thanks for Renoise.

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Isn’t this more of a mac os issue ( amongst others ) ?

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Yep, i created a feature request for this, which is quite similar:

Renoise still needs information about the tempo of the sample to get this working. It could be using the current song tempo or detect it like Sononym.