What feature are you hoping for in upcoming Renoise releases?

I personally think this will goes a long way for ease of production music:
Color code held note duration during Single Track Edit Mode

Highlighted filled

Un-highlighted field

For me, I want my workspace to be compact but yet simple and informational that I know what I’m looking at. It’s not obvious which are off or on.


I still don’t get this: so this is about page flipping in centralized mode?

I totally don’t like page flipping though. Instead I would add smoothing options in the scrolling, I.e. scrolling transitions.

Edit: Actually, how about multiple types of timestretching. Including, but not limited to, gritty, nasty, granular timestretching (with multiple grains… I’m not just talking about phrases and 0SXX commands here).

Take a cue from Ableton here? That would be mega nice. Something like Audio Clips, Tempo, and Warping — Ableton Reference Manual Version 11 | Ableton or Reaper’s. Maybe not all of them, but granular, spectral (rubberband) and a ‘beats’ type preserving transients.

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i like this idea, to be able to visualise something like note starts here > and ends here < either by color or other means…


I really want to map VSTi parameters to instrument macro knobs. Please add a little meta device to the effect chain, so we can control it from there:


+1 from me. I would very like that! Nice idea @toimp !

happy tracking :slight_smile:

I would really love to see a ‘Tab to Transient’ feature in the sample editor to help speed up manual chopping!


Wow… this is a big thread… How many ideas / requests, brought up by us, the users, got implemented in the last version?


Better change the topic name to " What feature are you dreaming of for in upcoming Renoise releases?

Quick scroll through this thread i’ve found requests for VST3 and ARM support. So some got implemented :slight_smile:


A parallel effects container at the track effects level - as per the device found in Bitwig, Ableton etc.

Native granular playback.

One feature that we would all appreciate most - blunt honestly from @taktik , what can feasibly be added and what cannot. What features are “never, ever” items? What features could be added if we were to chip in some money? Like a “fix the school roof” fundraiser, lets set some goals and get stuff funded. I don’t care that I’ve paid for a license up to 4.3 - lets get a Kickstarter going, set goals, stretch goals and some timescales - be pragmatic. Be honest - what is possible, what is not and if not, what can we do. I want to see this DAW grow and be something that has a healthy community around it. I’d contribute to such an idea. Perhaps a Renoise Premium, a recurring payment kinda like Patreon to help move things along - selling licenses is not a steady stream, would such an idea help?

Just putting ideas out. I’m not rich by any means, but I do support people on Patreon and I would sub to move Renoise forward with the big requests that people have.


@BriocheBaps This. I’m with ‘ya!

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A “Favorite” system of instruments. Tag an instrument as a favorite, then in the browser there is a dedicated folder of “Favorites”. If you change location/delete instrument its ok it would just be removed from “Favorites”

That is already there!? Right-click an instrument and “Add to Favorites”

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I think you’re talking about the favorites system for Plugins. It would be nice to have one for sampler Instruments.

I would like “envelope” as a meta device.


For instance, with envelope as a meta device, you could do really precise side chaining which you could apply with a single fx command. You could also modulate stuff in an interesting, decoupled way. Just add “one shot” mode to the LFO and make the “envelope” shaper available to the lfo too.

Also, i noticed samples now become polyphonic when they have an envelope applied to them. Was this always the case? I would prefer them to stay monophonic, it seems more consistent.

I’d like the automatically map multiple samples to velocity zones - for multi sampled kits etc

It’s so time consuming doing it manually


I think it would be handy if the phrase editor could (optionally) occupy the right side of the instrument editor screen in any of the available tabs (keyzones/waveform/modulations/effects). Just like you can expand the disk browser on the right side of the screen. Always be able to edit & see the phrases in the instrument editor. Also some kind of visual representation of the phrase events in the main pattern editor would be cool, so you can see the structure of the phrases compared with the ‘normal’ stuff in the pattern editor.