What would you want AI to do in Renoise?

about point 4. try using ringmod side chain for mixing instruments.

To be honest, I would like to see such a tool already built into the renoise mixer, since it is a very fast and convenient way to resolve frequency conflicts without damaging the instruments.

Nothing. Even though I support AI, I would not ever want it to be in my tracker ever. Not even once.


There’s a lot that AI is good for, but I can’t think of a single use case in Renoise where AI wouldn’t be pure over engineering. Also, automation isn’t AI.

There are many things that “real AI” can and will be able to do. It’s overwhelming and at the same time really cool. For me, these are mixed feelings. After the Internet, which brought people together more, came social media, which further divided people. Now AI is coming to revolutionize the world again, but I think it will have a much greater influence than the Internet and social media itself. And it is going to crush us like a steamroller. It is already doing it and we don’t even notice. Look at what China is already doing to its young people. The EU and even the US are already falling behind.

In the particular case with Renoise, or with other music composition software, an example would be that I would love to be able to ask an AI where to get a particular sound from a specific synthesizer, explaining where I have heard it previously.

I have done a test with ChatGPT, which is still “a bit green” and it has been able to answer me quite well.

The question was that I wanted to get the same synthesizer sound that James Horner used in several of his soundtracks, giving a little detail about what sound it was. And he told me which real synthesizer he used and recommended the Yamaha Virtual CS80 V v4 synthesizer emulated by Arturia. The problem is that there is no preset that resembles that sound. But he pointed out some nuances on how to get it.

That is to say, AI, at least ChatGPT for now, is like that friend you always want when you want to consult the deepest things that you know no one knows. I am particularly using it for consultations regarding programming code, and it is very good at changing text formats, relating conversations and above all providing solutions.

What I mean is that AI can be very useful for composers depending on what tools you use, both for consultations and for creating things. I think that in the field of sound, it allows us to achieve things that were very difficult for us to achieve before, and we are still far from its full potential. For those reluctant to use AI, it is like not getting on a luxury train that is passing by, when you can do it. You will be left behind!

For me, until it allows me to bring everything that sounds in my head as close as possible to reality, AI will not have reached its true potential. And that is very, very complicated. I see it as a tool for supporting human beings, which will destroy many things and strengthen others. In other words, it is a revolution!

On the other hand, there is already a lot of software labeled as AI-powered, which has nothing to do with AI. It is pure marketing. So it is time to differentiate and assess what is programmed and for what purpose, and where to set the limits and preserve human morality.

Interesting thread!

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The problem is that AI is just a vague term which is basically just process that mimic human behaviour. It can be just a tree searching algorithm or a bunch of logical expressions, as long as you have defined one of your processes is “doing things like human”. Deepblue is one of the examples that it uses a search tree, or Pac Man ghosts are just some path search algorithms, but they are both considered as AI despite not fancy stuff like LLM or diffusion models.

Meanwhiles, at the fundamental level, the basic form of neural networks are just a bunch of parallel summations with connections with different weights and threshold detentions for each summation.

So I can see why some devs want to jump into the AI stuff because some AI models are much simpler to implement than others, while the product can still have that wow factor if they use the AI label so that they can chase the hype.

Not sure if that makes sense.

I would probably stop upgrading Renoise if “AI” was added, we don’t need the climate crisis generator bot for anything actually


Yes, please contract and license with NDA for OpenAI or some secret Musk front company… want that AI autocomplete mode for melody tracking, trained with some free ringtone database. Then after a while, you can make it learn to mimick the melodies you would keep placing in the spots where you deleted the autocomplete crap. It will do this to lure you into trusting it, and then when it notices you’re stoned by the pattern of cursor movement, it will subtly start bleeding in the ringtone melodies again, carefully tuning the threshold as soon as it notices you delete those notes again. If it notices you’re sober, it will keep making you curious about some real good melodies, then training to condition you into taking more drugs by training you with the melodies that make you want for another bong hard enough to make it work. Then it continues until you’re so stoned, that you don’t care about making your own tunes any more and just let the autocomplete do it’s job while watching in terror. It will do this to eat all of your dangerous creativity in the name the safety of society, while making all your songs sound like jingle instead of jungle - a win-win situation for the anti-anticapitalist hamsterminds behind the scheme, not only you rid all the punks of the power they could make the world less lucrative with, at the same time you force them to support capitalism by working for the commercials production industry instead.

So take care with these AI modules, you never know what they’ve been trained for… It’s insane to know that in the far future they will sell fake computers from China, they seem like those entry level 36-core heavy processing laptops without the generalizable analog manifold integrator grid module that only the expensive machines have, but internally it’s just a cheap AI chip imported from the African colonies trained to simulate a fake windows 38. You’ll notice by the software glitches the thing will produce once the recurrent buffers overflow, as well as your photo collection bleeding datan with itself and interchaning clothing and feature of all your photo and video data stored in the machine.

Seeing the musical improvements of AI during the last 5 years, and if the thing is still growing at the same speed, then in 2030, the real question won’t be “What would you want AI to do in Renoise?” but:

What would you want Renoise to do in AI ? :badteeth:


make me a salami sandwich

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Really?! Even simple clear water from AI is not safe.

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That’s a great way to say it. I use Mixtral the same way – the same kinds of questions I’d ask in a forum and only get half-baked answers or passive aggressive trolling back, I can ask an AI and get a fairly cogent, detailed answer that will set me on my path to actually solving the problem.

Maybe AI can eat the Help files, Manual and the forum discussions - and provide short paragraph answers to users questions. It could even be integrated as a renoise tool - with prompt and answers.

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Sample generation. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

Stay out of my Renoise basically. And my Garden.

I want it to create a real-time dancing girl playing on a piano roll.


@TNT would like to have a word with you :grin:

Who needs a dancing sprite playing on a piano roll? Why even bother with Renoise? Be creative and just type some words, leave everything else to AI and you’ll become an icon of art, a real star. Embrace technology like a real pro!

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ur mom lol