that’s a fairly crude and rather disgusting face lol.
AI is very useful, but it’s becoming a buzzword and a bandwagon.
Today I heard about a new car (can’t remember the brand) that has ChatGPT built in.
True that the word “algorithm” has been replaced by the word “AI” by every journalist that doesn’t know more about the first one than about the second one. For them, every single tech thing must have AI inside. Last year they were convinced there were algorithms everywhere.
I actually can’t wait to see people pointing out bubble sort is AI just like one of the crypto scam influencers telling people about their backend of their blockchain is a SQL database.
PS: Perhaps their AI is not really stands for Artificial Intelligence, but Annoying Influencers.
I couldn’t be happier that the hive mind actually feels this way, TBH. Let’s identify the people with zero taste immediately without dancing around it, and maybe real music will return with a vengeance
I’m sure that for next xmas there will be some watches that can give hour thanks to AI.
I’m not joking here, journalists gave 2 examples of AI in a car:
- You can ask AI to make a playlist of your favorite musical artist or genre
- You can ask AI to create a unique fairy tale to keep the children occupied
Sadly, they forgot to mention if AI will help to avoid accidents…
Let me give you a quick example how I don’t see AI as a bubble that will pop:
This is and I put in the prompt “Death metal CD cover of a burning forest”
The cool thing about is that it also features edit possibilities etc. So if you want a cover for your album, and you sort of have an idea, you can iteratively generate it and refine it until it looks like what you want.
it’s actually pretty upsetting how many people have embraced ai covers. i’ve specifically requested that any of my releases - on any label - will not feature ai artwork.
keep them graphic designers actually doing work.
Sure, I absolutely agree with you.
However, I can only spend my money once. It’s either no cover art, or AI cover art.
Great idea, and probably very easy to implement! Anything to help noobs overcome the learning curve to this great tool.
I want AI to turn me into a vst so i can live happily inside Renoise !!
It’s a paradox that while we all love creating we all have specific parts of the creation process that we feel that it’s just work that we should avoid and we pain to learn and do it. There comes GenAI with its value proposition to do the work that we don’t want to do so we can continue making only the work we like to do. But this is different for each one of us. So GenAI is going to do all of it but you can use it for the parts you want. I would choose it that way, I might use it as a research tool to choose how I will arrange the spectral properties of the instruments of my composition, but not to do anything else, as I enjoy doing the rest myself. Or maybe, do everything myself and then give different versions of my song to analyze and discuss. Or nothing at all. What I would hate to see would be to shove it down our throats like MS did with Copilot in PowerPoint. AI is here to stay, it’s up to us to protect our way of life. I don’t believe that GenAI will be able to do genuinely innovative music art as well as humans can do it, it’s a huge complicated plagiarism machine. I wouldn’t want it in any of my tools unless is doing something humanly impossible like dereverberation, denoise, or additive restoration.
additive restoration sounds intriguing
initial search is mostly returning classic cars for me i hoping it does in fact exist though…
Sure it does, the three last modes on RX’s spectral repair tool are additive.
There are other tools that also do some kind of restoration with additive methods. The Unfilter and Unchirp from Zynaptiq for instance.
cheers mate! unfilter sounds exactly what ive been after - adding high end to lo fi recordings that top out at 10k. will have to investigate…
Let AI chop samples for me, I have absolutly no fun in chopping samples, that’s not my goal and basic algorithms are not very efficient to chop samples the way I dream. They try but often fail, so I have to do that stupid useless waste of time chopping thing myself manually. Let AI do it faster, AI will understand where to chop samples, based on my preferences, not based on some complex technical calculations, and I will be very happy at the end. And then, I will be able to do the part I love to do: compose some melodies, add some drums, etc…
Cherry picking isn’t the way to go, there are ALWAYS two sides of the coin. You won’t achieve anything without work and passion. And even if you don’t like specific parts of the process, you gotta learn how to handle it. All or nothing, simple as that. That’s real life.