Whats next for Renoise?

Another thread got closed just when it started to get interesting. But well, I understand.

Yet, I simply have a question to Danoise (from his latestpostin that topic).

Renoise is taktiks creation, of that there is no doubt. We’ve worked together for a few years now, and I can tell you that he has a very keen sense of what this software needs and doesn’t need.

This is interesting, and perhaps even groundbreaking.

Since the (vision) future of Renoise is clear already, why not allay the users by just mentioning:

  • What exactly this software need.
  • What exactly this software doesn’t need.

? :slight_smile:

I’m sure people would respect whatever the answers to these questions are.

I think I can answer this too. You got this wrong. It was about Danoise’s role in “what feature makes it into a release and which not”. This indeed always has been my decision, cause I was the one how started Renoise, the one who kept it running, and the one who implemented most of it (in code). So I’m responsible here too.

This doesn’t mean that we’re ignoring what people write and tell us about Renoise. Why do we bother running the forum then at all and keep talking with people (sometimes more, sometimes less). I think that is what you implied with the question.

To answer the original topics question - have done so in the other threads already, but I think everyone got a bit lost now:

The only thing that is scheduled right now for Renoise is a bugfix update, cause we’re currently working on some other bigger non Renoise related project. We don’t have the capacity to run multiple projects at once - well, at least not with full new feature sets that are to be implemented. Once the other project is done, we have to see where we are and what we want and will make a new plan.

The last bigger thing I worked on for the Renoise core was a HiDPI “compatible” GUI, but I could not finished it before the other project started. Would make sense to use this as a base for another bigger Renoise release. Everything else is still open though.

We’re not intending to close down the Renoise project, but indeed the next big release is not around the corner. As mentioned before, we actually always have been working on/off Renoise, but this time people seem to be more disappointed about the slow release cycles than before. I can’t say why, but I think It’s not “just” the lack of information.

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The last bigger thing I worked on for the Renoise core was a HiDPI “compatible” GUI, but I could not finished it before the other project started. Would make sense to use this as a base for another bigger Renoise release. Everything else is still open though.

Woow Taktik!I am happy reading these words.Although you are now involved in another project, I wish that you to resume the development of Renoise with its “HiDPI compatible GUI” when you are fully prepared. I think it’s very important, maybe the most important step. Basically, it does not matter how long it takes you to schedule this task, which is much more laborious. I consider this step a key part of Renoise, the before and the after, and it is necessary to do it and think it carefully and with a fresh mind, and all the time as necessary.An improved GUI could even improve the overall performance of the program, and a good appearance and order is always a great attraction, for the most loyal customers and for new customers…

Other software development companies have also stopped in the past with the objective of update their products for high resolutions of screen (a crucial step of continuity), and the results have always been positive, maintaining a good relationship between the current hardware and the software.

Larger workspace on screen implies higher performance for the composer, and this is superb!!!

Just a bit of communication makes everyone easier - thx Taktik!

Never mind…

+1. Just to show some support, I also think HiDPI is a proper priority! Apart from usual refinements and improvements (like automation?), this and sidechaining seems most important to the project, I think.

OK lets start taking bets, I am thinking 6 weeks max before the first “Wheres the HiDPI you promised” start happening hahaha

Forum preparing for ’ stasis ’ mode .

I have it on good authority that the renoise devs are pouring their work into attempting to become vampires. this will benefit renoise in the long-term as they can continue development long after we have shuffled off this mortal coil.

currently they have given up on alchemy and chemistry and they’ve turned to old-fashioned core exercises and bathing in the blood of their enemies. it remains to be seen whether this will work, but they are very hopeful.

Stasis mode + vampires…

You guys are so funny! :badteeth:

I dreamt about a Renoise 3.9.2 release

_​_​Have I already mentioned how much I would like Renoise to scale properly on UHD screens?

_​_​Have I already mentioned how much I would like Renoise to scale properly on UHD screens?

I don’t think so, maybe you should?

we’re currently working on some other bigger non Renoise related project.

I don’t mean to pester you when I say this, but… What’s the project tell me now! Tell me now! Tell me now! Is it a VST? Tell me!

I don’t mean to pester you when I say this, but… What’s the project tell me now! Tell me now! Tell me now! Is it a VST? Tell me!

maybe it’s this: https://aubio.org/ ?

I don’t think so, maybe you should?

So should I really mention how much I would like Renoise to scale properly on UHD 4K screens?

So should I really mention how much I would like Renoise to scale properly on UHD 4K screens?

You already read the last comment of Taktik within this topic.Apparently, he worked on adapting the existing GUI for higher resolutions and he abandoned it for another project.Personally, “adapting” does not sound very good.Better would be a complete design of the GUI from scratch.But Taktik is alone as a programmer.And does not seem to be surrounded by a small team. So until he does not finish that other project he currently has, he will continue to leave Renoise and your customers “parked”.

It’s desperate, because there are some bugs that are supposed to have already solved Renoise 3.1.0 (there are a few), but there is no new version, and while we will be planted in 2018 with nothing new.

So, a new version with all that of changing the GUI and improving other things seems to be very far in time, 2020 or 2022.That’s why these forums are dead again.One thing is to launch a new version with very new things, and another thing is to allow a version 3.1 with a few bugs for so long, unresolved with version 3.1.1.

Mr Airmann and others was right to protest.If there is an intention to launch something new, there is no official information. So all are speculations, and desires of many customers traveling through the air, without landing anywhere.

You can repeat it more times if you want …

The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round,
'Round and 'round, 'round and 'round.
The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round,
All through the town.

The driver on the bus goes, “Move on back!”
“Move on back, move on back!”
The driver on the bus goes, “Move on back!”
All through the town.

The people on the bus go up and down,
Up and down, up and down.
The people on the bus go up and down,
All through the town.

The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish,
Swish swish swish, swish swish swish.
The wipers on the bus go swish swish swish,
All through the town.

The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep,
Beep beep beep, beep beep beep.
The horn on the bus goes beep beep beep,
All through the town.

The baby on the bus goes, “Wah wah wah!”
“Wah wah wah, wah wah wah!”
The baby on the bus goes, “Wah wah wah!”
All through the town.

The mommy on the bus goes, “Shh shh shh!”
“Shh shh shh, shh shh shh, shh shh shh!”
The mommy on the bus goes, “Shh shh shh!”
All through the town.

The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round,
'Round and 'round, 'round and 'round.
The wheels on the bus go 'round and 'round,
All through the town,
All through the town,
All through the town.

…Or if it makes you feel better, you can post your feature requests here instead: https://github.com/pgregory/wetracker