Which Renoise Users Are On Myspace.com?

The link is on a post I made on the first page… use the second link in my post, but log into myspace first, and then use the link I gave. I’m suprised, I thought there was only me and trepain on their, and I went and checked it out, and there are twelve members now! I hope it gets productive and hopping. I just wish their was a notification function in myspace to let group members know when there is new post or new replies to topics subscribed to.

But here’s the link again:

Oh yeah- I’m going to announce a song contest on the renoise myspace user group once myspace quits being retarded and lets me post a bullitin without giving me error messages…

I don’t particularly have any rules to this except for the track has to be renoise based. I don’t care if you bring it in and out of renoise with other sequencers/wave editors, use whatever synths and vst’s/vsti’s you like. There are no sample packs to be restricted to, you are left to your own devices on this, unless of course you need a pack and I’m sure one of us can hook you the fizuck up! I like giving people the room they need to make what they are fully capable of making without restrictions. So the only thing left to do is find an unbiased judge with an open taste in music who can’t submit a track- or we can do it normal and just every submission will have it’s own thread, and people can reply with a 1(worse) to 10 (best), and then we will tally up the votes- but it would be mandatory that everybody gives each other points except for them selves… if anybody is down just post a thread in the forum above and we will do this… tracks will be linked from your myspace page. The winner gets a cookie. I seriously will mail you a f****ing cookie! :drummer: :drummer: :drummer: :drummer: :drummer:


Well set a start and finish date as soon as we can all figure out how we think the judging should work, and maybe we can come up with a better incentive to join the contest… or it could just be in the spirit of productivity and fun! Oh yeah- multiple submissions are allowed as it would not give a better edge on winning as were are judging purely on the production and listenablity aspects of the tracks.


I’ve just added a two minute ‘flickthrough montage’ of my album on there. I didn’t want to add any full, original material because of myspace’s pretty nasty Terms Of Usage for anything uploaded to their site.

i would seriously frame that cookie :D

what are those terms ? didnt really pay attention to those when I signed up … a mistake ? :huh:

I think you are okay looza… all it says is that they can take your music and do absolutely whatever the f*ck they please with it as long as you have put it on their servers and haven’t dlelted it. It also has this scary part that pretty much explains that if they do use your shit, and they get sued for say… a sample that hasn’t been passed, then they pass the buck on to you. But I don’t think they would touch our music with a stick to be honest.

So you guys should post in the renoise group if you have joined… I’m getting bored talking about a music contest by myself and posting to myself over there. I invited a bunch of rockstars to the join the group as well (tech itch, venetian snares, enduser… blah blah blah).

last time I check I couldnt post there, will do that again

and beware, I think 80% of the pages of real artists are not real artists. wrote a mail to the bassist of the cardigans and got a mail back. it was a friend of my sister, a fan. :blink:

Yeah, I know there is alot of fake profiles, but I have talked to most of the people I am adding several times and on occasion have gotten shit like samples, in depth interviews and/or permissions for using their tunes and shit like that… besides, I can’t imagine a person making a pho otto or enduser page, as that scene is pretty tight nit. I don’t know what’s up with myspace, half the time I try posting a new topic or reply, it sends me to a completely different forum after hitting submit. It’s pissing me off cause I want to do several things on there. It’s looking pretty good so far though- a couple of well known musicians have joined that I didn’t send invites to, so there are people looking for renoise in some form or another on there. Oh yeah- and my ex chick joined :ph34r:… you never can tell what they are up to :unsure:

You know what’s great about myspace that you can’t find on too many other sites? You can search for yourself in myspace music based on how many plays and page hits you get… right now I’m second in colorado for IDM/experimental music. That makes me feel great as we have a farking assload of IDM nerds/fans and musicians that sit on myspace all day… it’s just nice to know that you are being heard and where you stand in your scene local scene I suppose.

Myspace seems to be full of everything, including fake profiles and alot of bullshit. I am not very surprised as the community is open to everyone, and every asshole on earth. However, you are not driven to sell your ass to a record and distribution company in order to spread your music to potensial fans. Of course, if few people likes your music, then few people will listen to it, that is called freedom.

A great idea (I think) would be to have a small indie label unless you can afford to release the records yourself, and then push as hell on Myspace so the community becomes aware of your existence. Then the record is available for the people that are interested after hearing about it from friends, etc.

I understand that alot of people hates Myspace, I am trying to find out exactly why as I am new to this thing. For now I do know that our CD has sold many copies because of it, which is friggin cool. And also it is cool to have comments from the open music society as well as smaller communities which I am already part of.

Besides, Myspace does not seem to host any more low-lifes than other webspaces as I yet have observed.


I’m on mySpace, link’s on my sig. First meh. I’ve started using renoise last night, I’m a future-former reason user, so ther’es no Renoise stuff on my page… yet. Geve me two-three months to :guitar: .

This is so true… it often scares me to see how some people see themselves and their lives. :(

actually, I think that’s greatest thing about myspace…
it’s like a very bad commercial about social life

totaly! :lol:

Bubba Ho-Tep! Bad ass. I just finally realized the origin of your avatar!

Heh, yeah, it’s a mix of the top half of Bubba Ho-Tep with the bottom half of Trent Reznor.

i thought that’s just Achenar really looked like… :rolleyes:

Myspace makes me go yuck for some reason… Tried joining, but went for a “normal” account in stead of the music-account. And now I can’t delete the original account, blah.

I saw BT on myspace, he actually advertised it on one of his albums. Finally a real artistpage… But myspace still makes me go yuck. That, combined with the latest, disappointingly dumb arm-waving video with BT, made me go slightly yuck over BT as well.

But only slightly. Cos BT usually rocks. :P


You can enter account settings and cancel your account. Please tell me why it makes you “Yuk” and why you still bother to use it? Yeah, unless you are a lame-ass dickhead who wants to be liked by everyone, and I suppose you are not.


it’s a cesspool for emo whining, meaningless ranting, shitty poetry, people who are starved for sexual attention, shitty bands, and pointless “networking” “opportunities” which basically means that if you have a music account and you want people to actually listen to your stuff, you have to go to hundreds of other users’ pages, look at their got-damn green and pink text and pretend like you care about the fact that bob dumped debbie last week and then reply in their comments “omg that sux, pleaze come listen to my music d00d”

yeah …

f**** that.

Yeh, the world is full og shitty poetry, art, and music. I find approximatly 1% of all artist I hear to be interesting, no matter of genre. I don´t have too many friends because I am a selective person. That is also how I operate on Myspace. I understand you are not able to give a f**** about all the people that you dislike, but who are obiously there. Cool enough, the world is truly evil. I just don´t want to be like that myself, as it would made me a bitter person in short time.

If you have to pretend to like stuff you really don´t like in order to get people to listen to your music, then something is obviously wrong. In your case, I understand your frustration. I do comment stuff that I like or feel related to, also because I want those artist to listen to and comment my stuff. I guess it is not too unlike other communities.

When it comes to porn, I thought it wasn´t possible to upload it. I am more rapidly bombarded with porn when browsing PSP-sites and using Emule/Limewire than on Myspace. Anyway, the web is full of it (I too find that very annoying as I am not used to the high tempo and marketing-minded ways of the internet, I also haven´t owned a TV for 7 years), but it does not mean you have to buy/watch it. Approximatly 10% of my messages and comments have been spam, the rest are comments on my music. I have no problem deleting a little spam as the rest are friggin cool and constructive comments.
