Which Renoise Users Are On Myspace.com?

I got my first message in myspace… hell yeah!!

wow, could she really be interested in me? She looks too darn sexy in her avatar to be SPAM.

clicks link

nah… SPAM :angry:

I’ve been making my own website since 1999 and much prefer that style of presentation freedom, but since I’m a traffic-whore I decided to give in and conform (a little):


Google sucks. Blogs suck. Myspace is festering cheese.

I did the same thing as sagosen when I tried to sign up, I’m myspace user number 9283409234092734982364093 or something…the only people who have even looked at my page is louis/antipulse from 'ere (who told me to get on there originally…) and some really, really shocking sounding hip-hop group who live in the same country who never said hello or anything but just wanted to “add me as a friend”…
I got a little wierded out and decided not to touch it again…

maybe I’ll make a propper page some time

f**** myspace

People people… it’s not MYSPACE that’s to blame… apart from the
fact that there are tons of sites like myspace, there are far far far
far far far far more people supporting em… it’s just people…
As if the online netscene is any better, bunch of self-centered
narcicist victims of social neglect, their heads so far into moderators’
arses, it’s a self-sustaining wart of nonmusic. But luckily it doesn’t
matter as long as people are happy with the situation.

Don’t you think it’s a bit sad to tell a site to go f**** itself because
it’s so popular with so many people…? It only reflects your own feelings
of being rejected, really… according to my textbook…

Myspace is awesome. It got me gigs.

Most online communities seem overcrowded with self-centered brats whose attention spans are too small to fit in any reasonably sized pie chart. Myspace is only one of them.

exactly my point

You may want to check to make sure you brought the right book to class, son. I’m not telling it to go f**** itself because it’s popular. I’m telling it to go f**** itself because it’s a disturbing social development that aims to present a “social” environment when really it’s a crappy, slow, ad-ridden, FOX News Co. owned Web trend that requires membership to much of the relevant content and essentially just creates an unimaginative template for people to plug their personal data so that they can engage in a grand scale, narcissistic orgy of misportrayal and posturing.

Real Networking is done with humans. emails have more personality than myspace. I think the notion of mechanizing and packaging the mechanics of human interaction (dating, meeting friends, sharing interests) into a Web 2.0 style “online community” is yet another stupid, tacky and downright disturbed product of this wonderful post-dot-com-bust internet era.

Thanks for the psychoanalysis BotB. Here’s some advice back to you (one good turn deserves another) after all. Stop projecting your own feelings of rejection onto those who criticise a dumb website that you believe is your key to social salvation. I go out into the world and meet people face to face, it’s nerve wracking as hell to talk to someone you don’t know and often you get a whole lot more out of it. I’ve done a fair amountof musician-networking and, having the guts to personally present a demo disk and talk to a booking agent or A&R guy counts for way more than spending 20 minutes hacking and slashing your way through stupid banner ads to upload your music so that people who have too much free time can participate in a flat consensus reality on myspace long enough to actually hear it.

myspace blows. stop using the internet as a crutch and learn to be social without a convenient framework to do it for you.

Well… while I’m inclined to agree with Sagosen and Dj_io, I signed up for a myspace page anyhow for networking purposes. I’ve got people I don’t even know on my ‘friend’ list, I’ll add anyone. :lol: The more people who stumble across my music the better.

I did the same thing as Sagosen and signed up for a normal account which doesn’t allow you to add your tunes. :angry: After trying to use their delete account method which didn’t work, I contacted their support several times and finally got my account removed. Then I was able to create a music account. It’s pretty barebones, just put my tunes up.


Myspace got me a tour in Denmark recently, and a tour in U. S. in October/November, IF we get get flight-tickets from the norwegian “Kulturråd”. Fingers crossed to the max! We also played a show tonight which we got through “Underskog.no” which is a bit similiar. I am full-time artist and is thankful for every paid job I can get, these things are great bonuses to my “real” network. Speaking of it, going to gigs with music you dislike to meet people that maybe can fix a gig, several times a week, yeah, it is actually ok. However it can also be very superficial. That is because I don´t know the promotor/booking person personally, but I find it ok as long as it is a constructive atmosphere, and the deal gets closed.

For me Myspace is not suppsed to be a social space other than for my buisnes. I even delete every off-topic comment. So far, it is effective for distribution, It doesn´t cost me anything, and I get alot of extra pep. Therefore, I dig it.

If you don´t like it because you got a spam, or did not manage to upload your songs, or create a correct profile, or was forced to suck up to people you didn´t like, or whatever reason you have, then just don´t use it. Feel free to hate it, and get angry with people that uses it, but remember: that is the path to the dark side of the Force. Florian, you are there!

Master Yoda.

…umm… could someone provide a link to the page for the artist signup thingie for the easily informationally inundated ;)



sagosen - what do you and Henriette think of the idea of putting Ava on there…?



[quote name=‘Florian Mosleh’]

[quote name=‘BotB’]
Thanks for the psychoanalysis BotB. Here’s some advice back to you (one good turn deserves another) after all. Stop projecting your own feelings of rejection onto those who criticise a dumb website that you believe is your key to social salvation. I go out into the world and meet people face to face, it’s nerve wracking as hell to talk to someone you don’t know and often you get a whole lot more out of it. I’ve done a fair amountof musician-networking and, having the guts to personally present a demo disk and talk to a booking agent or A&R guy counts for way more than spending 20 minutes hacking and slashing your way through stupid banner ads to upload your music so that people who have too much free time can participate in a flat consensus reality on myspace long enough to actually hear it.

myspace blows. stop using the internet as a crutch and learn to be social without a convenient framework to do it for you.[/QUOTE]
hey now, because I have a myspace account doesn’t mean my
social life is depending on the internet. the world is not black and
white… just take a look at myspace… loooook… there thousands and
thousands and thousands of people having fun… wow, I guess that
makes it a good website… now if you feel bad about the fact that it
CAN have bad effect on social life, I feel ya there, just like my previous
post indicates… the one before that…

myspace can function as an extension for your music, just like this
forum here, or whatever website you can think of… if someon aspires
to play live or release stuff on labels, ofcourse it’s their best bet to give
demo’s to people, but who cares how one gets wherever. as long as
everyone is content with their way of handling things, let’s not critize
one another’s way of err handling things.

now I’ll excuse myself if I have offended anyone with my previous post,
I just found it pretty silly to critize a silly website, especially if you can’t
even be bothered with it.

I should be able to sue them for defamation!!



ok dude, i promised myself i was going to drop this topic but let me just make a couple things nice and sparkling clear:

  1. regardless of whatever notions certain posters may have about me engaging in Jedi Mind tricks, having contempt for a technological innovation that divides people while at the same time masquerading as a means to bring them together is not evil… it is a virtue.

  2. my assumption that your evangelizing approach to the virtues of this fad is due to your own sociodependence on it, is as fair an assumption as you deciding that the only reson anyone would dis it, is because they feel rejected and outcast.

  3. whatever virtues myspace may have as a musical networking tool, i feel that the same goals could be accomplished by a dedicated music networking and sharing site. I don’t have a problem with the concept, i just frankly dislike and hold in contempt this one rendition of it and, am frustrated and annoyed that it is being adopted for fulfilling this role.

  4. as for the notion that I can’t be bothered with it, wrong again. i tried myspace for about 6 months. i really enjoy cultural interaction and, experiencing myspace culture made me sick to my stomach. my criticism is a result of first hand experience, not just presuppositions.

i apologize if i come accross as trolling or flaming or whatever, but the notion of community is very vital to me. for sure this trend will die out soon and, hopefully, something better will come along before too long.

can i get an add, man? :huh:


I also have a side-project called TurboRaketti, yeah after legendary 2p Amiga-game by Heikki Kossola. The tracks are done with THX-tracker (Amiga), Sidduzzit and JohnPlayer (C64).

There are no planned release of this material, but free to check it out and also comment it (this is the only site, since I cannot afford two dreamhost accounts):



Why is Myspace dividing people? Alot of my artist-friends don´t have an account, I just don´t see the conflict. Electronic music is also “fake” compared to orchestras with 50 musicians doing the “real deal”, is this dividing people also? I would be truly sad knowing that J. S. Bach would have considered me a fake-ass, shortcut musician who did not dare to stand up to real poeple. Actually he did not find all the musicians to play his pieces anyway, he just wrote them down and got the church to fix the rest. Anyway, technology changes how things are done, the internet is still young and suffer from many deceases but if it can help you with anything, then why not?

Darth Vader, i like your traditions, I have long and romantic relation to “real” networking and I find it great and effective, apart from all the beer drinking which also is huge part of this lifestyle, as I am not a heavy drinker. Anyway, It is what my buisness is mainly based on.

However, I found out that Myspace network has a different set of qualities, I want them too. I want everything that can help me to succeed as an artist as long as the integrity in my expression is kept. Right now, Myspace seems to be the widest covering community. A great percentage of the artists I care about, including artists from the same record company + friends, etc. are there. Most of them are pretty underground and for sure not fake profiles. All genres. But if it becomes too sucky for some reason, I can just find something else. If you found something better already, I am happy for you.

No mind tricks!

omg alex, i didn’t know you were a 16 year old girl :angry:
this must be “alex’s train” or something like that …

I’d join this group if the Icon didn’t’ suck so much. Can you lose the animated gif please? It’s terrible.

Otherwise, nice one!