Which Renoise Users Are On Myspace.com?

Also, Technical Itch is in this group?! Of his own free will?

Wow, Wikipedia nerds, “Famous Renoise Users” has a new king.

I’m quite sure he controls that account, someone should message him on there asking him if it’s cool to add him to the Wikipedia page.

I hear you… :P

My neighbour really wanted to recruit me for some free trial thing so he could get more time in World Of Warkraft (or wow, as they say. And yeah, I misspelled that on purpouse for some weird reason. Throw a spell on me.) but the whole idea of actually playing the thing after watching him play and tell me all the things that was supposedly great about the game… Just made my whole body scream BOOOOORIIIING!

Ah well. To each his own. :)

/me throws an Arcane Shot spell on sagosen, dealing 183 in Arcane damage and waits for sagosen to fall over. It can take a while, but /me is patient.

Yeah he joined of his own free will…

I’m sure he is somewhat of a tracker head- he and dylan have been making shit for a looong time and I’m sure tracking has been part of his production at some point or another. Just mesage him on myspace and ask him about his use of trackers, he does run his own account. His wife is on there too, along with dylan, spl, limewax… they use their accounts reguarly.

Edit: I think I may try and do an online interview with him over myspace asking him about some of his production as well as about his new dubstep releases he has been putting out… this or I am going to see if he will do a Q&A on the renoise user group so people can ask him questions and he can answer them, I’ll ask him to check it once a day for maybe to or three days to answer stuff if he isn’t busy or on tour (which I think he is because he recently did a few shows in america)… this is a fat chance in hell but worth a shot.

Wish me luck and lets hope he’s down to do something like that.

I’d also like to get mc jakes, enduser and v snares for an interview as well.

But I really only want to do this if I can get the user group to become more active on their… I have put up some posts and have seen one or two replies and only one other person has made a new topic. I can understand it’s futility though as we have the boards here, but there is a world of well know producers who are easily accessable on myspace that I would like to exploit.

Hey- renoise slayer rocks. You make me a better Icon and I’ll make it the defualt image deal buddy?

Not all tracks are doen on renoise

ME(D-Omen) :walkman:

gothem breaks is fvcking sick… nice broken melodies. Dope. :walkman:

MySound on MySpace

hmm ok here it is

I signed up and set it up at the same time I asked the question to Sagosen: does henriette mind if I put Ava there?

…I uploaded it all in advance so a yes response would mean I could just hit the go button here…but I think the question was missed…

anyway if you arent cool with it being there just say the word and I’ll replace it with the instrumental version…I just like the vocal version alot :)

pity myspace has such poor audio quality in its streaming though…

I’ve got one now at http://www.myspace.com/graphevade

:P renoise changed my life, i now have a credit card and my own keys…



Looks like I’ll be uploading original content onto myspace now that they’ve changed their Terms and Conditions. I never thought I’d thank Billy Bragg, but cheers Billy Bragg! :lol:


If you like crack cocaine and methamphetamines, then this is the soundtrack to your life…

Sorry, what are you talking about?

made an account there as well…



Here I am : http://www.myspace.com/fabricetonnel
Music for relaxation and meditation, made with renoise of course!



