Why do topics get locked

There is a topic called “The group-buy + offer thread” initiated in 2005. People still add posts to it up to recent December last year. Here and there a single soul creates a new topic, but the majority sticks to post related material into that very same thread. What was a good reason for you to create a new thread instead of using an existing one?

You didn’t say bitcoin “will rise and is a great investment” but you use classic cloak-in-arguments marketing advertisement, just one example here:

“Imagine a reality in which the Germans would have had an alternative to such as Bitcoin, the world in which we now live.
The Germans would had been able to avoid and protect themselves from the catastrophic effects of the Wiemar hyperinflation.”

Contextually you are not focussing on bitcoin here, but to most who can read between the lines, it is clearly to promote bitcoin. It remains a sales story / commercial propaganda with commercial benefits in mind, i’m sorry to say so but i really don’t see it otherwise.

Just keep specific promotional asset related information inside one topic and this works out best for everybody: people who are interested in that kind of topics will keep reading it (and may easily remember the title to search for whenever wanting to dig it up) and those that are annoyed by it, will avoid it, but nevertheless respect you for your choices and lastly these kind of threads won’t become a target for locking.