Why R3 is not advertised more?

hey fellow op-1’er! I had the same problem with xp, windows 7 and now on windows 8. not sure what the problem is. when I said “import” into renoise I meant that I open the tape files in audacity and save them as wav. files then they open fine in renoise. not sure what the problem is. here’s a related thread:

Obviously we need to build a bot to spam kitchen enthusiast forums with Renoise ads.

Kitchens by Renoise

For those who like chopping and cutting beets

To me Renoise is a visionary tool.
That’s the problem.

His unique way to mangle sounds, samples, his User Interface, etc… are inspiring and twisted in a good way.

But, the lack of very basic stuff is frustrating and most of the time I started a project in Renoise I abandoned or switched to a more “traditional” piece of software because of his limitations in the “sameness” area.
I am a professional sound designer musician and mix-engineer, and I have to admit that Renoise is the only piece of software I can’t use for clients or payed projects. ( A client can ask “well done: I like… let’s move a little bit things around, just to feel the groove a little bit more…”… WHAT??? no groove quantize or piano roll???" R U KIDDING? Logic Notator on Atari St had that… :slight_smile: )
It’s like having a very beautiful minimalistic and futuristic room where all the strange stuff happens but you have no chairs to sit down.

Two examples?
The sampler:
powerful, beautiful, etc… the access of samples in the pattern editor is brilliant but… the modulation matrix? Every sampler has one, except for this one! My old '87 Akai s900 had one!

The meta-devices:
incredibly versatile, unique, etc… but where is my side-chain?

Sure, you can solve any issues with some degrees of shortcut, but you can also play drums with a flute instead of sticks…

… Renoise is a great piece of mankind… but no way to produce every kind of music I have in my head…

With Renoise is very easy to make twisted things and very “twisted” (or even impossible) to make easy things.

…And most of the times my ideas are easy.

There’s no way to play chords with a Minimoog… so maybe a Minimoog is not the best way to play chords… :slight_smile:

I love Renoise in the same way I love Picasso.

Peace and Love :yeah:

But there is Groove tool that is amazing for adding groove…

Is less than amazing since he can’t extract groove from audio like any others (Logic, Protools, reason, Cubase, Ableton, …, )or manage velocities. It is a simple delay line per sub-beat. ;)

I don’t care about comparing Renoise to everything else - i just make music - it’s a tool, nothing more

Why can you not make all types of music in Renosie? I Don’t get it.

Just finished of my Pegboard Nerds Remix, everything is done in Renoise exclusively:

Hi C-zar
I agree with you.
Renoise is a tool and you CAN make any kind of music with Renoise.
All I say is not the best tool for some stuff like exploring harmonies (the Piano Roll is a must have in that area, even better a comparative Piano Roll with different tracks on a same view), or simple programming (i.e. there’s no way to tell the sampler to modulate the attack of an adsr envelope via the velocity)

I imagine somebody is producing and mixing a 60 piece orchestra with it, but… I repeat… is too way simpler with any other DAW. I can’t imagine Hans Zimmer using it, or even Orbital except for their acid house stuff.

By the way… you remix sounds nice and sexy but is not a proof that you can do anything with it. To the contrary… that is a kind of music I can imagine easily doable with our beloved instrument called Renoise…

Peace and Love…

That is actually possible since 3.0. Sample start is what still cannot be modulated.


This is not the sound of native Renoise. You’re at least using heavily pre-processed samples. Of course you’re very welcome to post an XRNS, achieving that sound from scratch with dry, basic samples. Good luck! You’ll need it.

Well obviously there are some pre-processed samples from the remix stems and then there are VSTi and other samples.
What i was trying to say is that it was made by only using Renoise and no other tools or daws. And most of the tracks contain just built in filters.

To be “Native” renoise u can only use dry samples ? wtf :)

Stop seeing the limitations and start to explore the possibilities :)

Well, that’s what the discussion was about. The sound that can (or can not) be achieved with native Renoise for a demo track, while at the same time demonstrating the capabilities of Renoise itself.

I’m not seeing limitations only and I’m not overlooking possibilities. I first of all come across requirements to achieve a whole range of sounds and sounds in particular. And trying to meet those requirements I come along possibilities in Renoise and also limitations and lacks. I’m not searching for limitations, I simply come across them. For some purposes specially considering dance music production way too often.

I was actually just trying to set it up for the first time, to then explain it to you. I could not manage to do so. Clearly I am missing something here, since doing stuff like this is of course the whole point of the new implementation of the modulations in the sampler. So if anyone else could give the exact procedure, that would be great. In general, you will need to make a modulation set in which you use a velocity tracker and assign this to the attack of the adsr.
Again, if someone could give the exact steps please, I am also curious now :slight_smile: Seems overly complicated to achieve.

Instrument modulations are dedicated to exclusive targets only: volume, pan, pitch, filter freq, resonance. Modulating other targets (like in this case a modulator parameter) from instrument modulations is generally not possible.

There are several ways to fake the required behavior. Most will work for monophonic sounds only, like a velocity tracker triggering the attack via macro. One way to fake it for polyphonic sounds is to use different modulation sets with different attack times on different velocity layers.

WOW!!! I didn’t even consider that this is not possible at all! What’s the point of the modulation system if you cannot modulate the most standard things? I don’t get it anymore, this is all getting too ridiculous for me…

But thanks for clarifying this Bit Arts! The hack you propose doesn’t work for creating realistic drumsets, though (not that anything else in the sampler is actually supporting the creation of drumsets…), since the velocity tracker to trigger the macro needs to sit on a track and cannot be contained in the instrument itself.

Well, I guess its time to go back to Windows for making music…sad really…so much potential…

Well, it actually would work in the polyphonic variation, because you wouldn’t need any velocity tracker except the instruments own one. But for 255 different velocities triggering the attack, you’d also need 255 different modulation sets then. Per sample/drum that means. That’d be a few thousand modulation sets per drumset. No need to tell what to think about this. But from today on I’m not gonna see it as a limitation, I’m gonna see it as a possibility. :D

You get my point: easy way to make complicated stuff, complicated way to make easy stuff :lol:

As far as the features go, I’m pretty sure Renoise could be publicized or promoted just as well as something like Bitwiq, but personally I don’t mind the ‘underground mindset’.
It’s like a hidden lake somewhere down in the woods, deeper than the ocean.

“Venetian Snares currently uses Renoise and has uploaded a video of his track “Vache” (from Cavalcade of Glee and Dadaist Happy Hardcore Pom Poms) playing in Renoise on YouTube.” (from Wikipedia)
This is how I stumbled upon Renoise…