Wishes for next releases

I would love to be able to hide or shrink tracks in pattern matrix so I could focus on the ones I use and ignore “outtakes” I don’t want to delete but don’t use right now

You can collapse grouped tracks in the mixer and they will be collapsed in the pattern matrix. Would be nice if individual tracks could collapse, too


Thanks a ton! That’s exactly what I wanted to!

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AI sound mixer, something like this: https://experiments.withgoogle.com/ai/sound-maker/view/

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The cow-synth example on that page sounded pretty cool, but the bass and flute synth was literally just a bass and flute played at the same time. I don’t think we gotta worry about this particular AI starting Judgment Day.

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My little wish would be simply a rock-solid Midi Drag&Drop, if you aren’t familiar with the current issues you can read up here:


Where is taktik? What is happening? World spinned over 365 times already… And there are some annoying bugs with sidechain. How can we increase your motivation?


Native delete unused dsp option

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I know right, paging @taktik - any updates at all yet?


Not going to rant much but… Renoise has so much potential with practical 0 competition in the market and yet I feel like this thing is almost legacy software at this point. With the same issues AFX ranted a decade ago still present (like the render thing) and lots of DSP and workflow to catch up. It’s good for nostalgia but bad for creativity, honestly. Like the colleague up there commented, what can we do to increase your motivation? i’m asking in good faith.

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in some places, of course, there are not enough fixes with meta devices. it requires discussion in terms of sound design. since some of the meta devices and envelopes do not have very accurate response. in general, I still use it as a technique, but if these points were slightly adjusted, it would noticeably benefit.

I’m more and more inclined to think that renoise needs a container (window) for lua plugins. that is, it could be both processing effects in the mixer and just real-time synthesizers in the sample operation section.

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AFX = Aphex Twin?? He was in the forum here?

Detailed, searchable; documentation.

Thanks for Renoise! = )

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not really, he just made a comment once about PlayerPRO and pointed out some things he considered an issue in Renoise.

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Well, maybe they are bored by Renoise and it’s old code base or something…

The issues he was talking about were implemented?Or rather the render issue.Works 100 per cent for me?

Wishes for next release

A release… a release of any kind; or at least something, anything to show a sign of life.


It was never properly addressed, sadly. Glad it works 100% for you even tho I don’t know if you understood what the problem is since I didn’t provide further explanation but you can find some threads here about the said issue (resampling/render to sample issues), it’s no big secret and it’s a Renoise issue, not a user issue, Taktik even gave an explanation why the issue occurs in one of the recent threads about it.

Huh, I’ve never had any resampling/rendering issues… Is this with VSTs or something? Native resampling is always flawless in my experience

Its so problematic in my experience that I almost always avoid using it. If you’re curious about it I created a thread about it not long ago, I provide a deep explanation of the problem and evidence (you even commented there). On top of that Taktik also provides important information that unfortunately isn’t present in Renoise’s manual.

Fortunately I now own Rolling Sampler but it’s 2023 and this whole process is properly implemented in most current DAWs like Bitwig, Ableton Live, etc. As a user I shouldn’t struggle with it neither I should have to constantly find workarounds to annoying limitations.

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