I had a look at the 1.02 package I made last night on OS X on a Windows machine.
Unfortunately, a directory named __MACOSX containing meta data came along for the ride.
I don’t think it’s that big a deal but it’s kind of dirty as a release. But yeah, sorry. In the future I will leave packaging to those with Windows machines. I was just eager to get it official I guess.
For future packages, two downloads should be made available:
XRNS-SCRIPTS is for users of OS X, Linux, and any other PHP5 compatible operating system with a command prompt, users who don't want to download XRNS-SF.
XRNS-SF is the XRNS Script Frontend. Windows users who want an easy GUI and ready to use PHP5 scripting environment with all the required third party utilities are *encouraged* to download this package.
Paste the taglines above in the Release Notes when adding the files. Also add the Changes, if any, to changes.
Make sure to put the gpl.txt in the /utils/ directory. Currently, it’s there.
If anyone wants to package 1.03, maybe change the licensing if Public Domain is not suitable, add a few more docs, then by all means. If not, I think this 1.02 is “good enough” until some actual changes happen. Although, it would be nice to have a clean release.
Freshmeat announcement:
Sourceforge page with downloads: